Orchid Circulation: 13,000 members!
Please welcome our newest members…
Keeyoon Kang
Seoul, Korea (South)
Hello. I am a jeweler working in Seoul, Korea. I used to live and
work in the States - NYC.
There are such differences in working styles and the way the jewelry
industry is set up in versus the States that I am learning new
things every day.
It’s a struggle but I love making jewelry and I hope this group will
help me along the way and I can be of help to you too.
Thank you for letting me be a member of a great group!
Ford Dotterer
Bangkok, Thailand
I have had a long and varied career in the Jewelry industry. Mostly
I, so much, appreciate the unique beauty that geological nature has
provided in rarity and variety and color and texture. Along the 30
odd years, I collected bits and pieces of that became an
integral part of this very specialized field in which I became an
expert. From my early experience on the retail side of the industry
I collected all of the that supported the romance and
the history of jewelry and From my studies in Gemology
and my experience as an instructor and diamond buyer I colle cted
crucial to those disciplines. From my business as a
pearl wholesaler I collected all sorts of oddities about that
natural aspect of the gemstone array. Entering manufacturing, things
about metals and setting styles and rings sizes etc. became
important and I collected more and more sets of factual
As an international traveler throughout the Far East and a foreign
language speaker you need to be flexible. Countries use their own
historical sets of measurements and have different standards so I
was constantly making conversions of one kind or another. Whether it
w as from 9K to 14K or ounces to grams there was only so much
conversion I could keep in my memory resulting in my
collecting more and more references.
I offer it all to you - In one place - at one time. I hope you like
it and make good use of it.
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