[Welcome] New Members for April 18, 2009

Please welcome our newest members!

Gail Short
Bayfield, CO. USA

I am an elderly woman trying to keep my mind young with all the
wonderful jewelry techniques. i think it is working! Gail

Jonette Van Cleave
Wheat Ridge, CO. USA

I’ve been studying metal for 2 years and it has become my passion…
I have so much to learn and have realized it is a lifelong pursuit.
I have been selling my pieces through private sale and also a small
store in Lakewood CO… I’ve been invited to put my pieces in
Evergreen Fine Art Gallery but have not yet accomplished what I feel
is a large enough group of pieces to present them… I’ll get there.
I take part in classes through the Sweetman/Allen Studio and am most
appreciative to Richard Sweetman(virtual encyclopedia of metal
smithing)who has opened up a whole new world to me…I do not have a
degree but I do have a voracious thirst for knowledge… Happy to
read the forum…

Dale Grindley
Toronto, Canada

Very new in my process of skill development, and really enjoying each
learning opportunity.