Welcome - Eileen Schneegas

Happy to hear from you. Anything I can learn about enamelling
is great. @mbm


Welcome Back. I look forward to hearing about the enamelists
and technics used in your new neck of the wood.

Linda Crawford
Linda Crawford Designs

Eileen - I don’t know if you know or know of Elizabeth Turrell,
but she is a renown enamelist and a great gal. Her address is 10
Buckingham Vale, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 2BU, UK, Ph #
44-1179-732-008. She teaches all over the world. I met her in
Gatlinburg, Tenn where I did a workshop with her. I fell in love
with flux over copper all over again. I look forward to seeing
her in Waterloo, Canada in June, 1999. Tell her I said hello.

Dottie Wood, Houston, Texas

Hi Eileen, Nice to see you back on the Forum. I enjoyed our day
out in London. You must both come up and see us here. Give us a
call when you both have some free time. BTW, the British
Enamelling Society are thinking about changing their name to the
British Society of Enamelists!!
