We’d like to welcome a new Platinum supporter, the one and only @CASTALDO. Thank you for supporting Ganoksin!
Castaldo® Jewelry Molding Rubber has been the industry standard since the earliest days of jewelry casting. We manufacture a wide range of jewelry molding and casting products including injection wax, mold frames and related accessories for use with metal and wax models as well as with resin CAD-CAM 3D printed models. Included are traditional White Label® and Gold Label® jewelry molding rubber, a range of vulcanizing silicone rubber compounds and liquid rubber RTV compounds including LiquaCast®, LiquaCast Long Life, LiquaGlass and LiquaFAST ICE. Please see our extensive FAQs and help articles on our website at www.castaldo.com. We’re excited to be a part of the Ganoksin community.
And we’re always happy to answer any questions related to our products at http://www.castaldo.com/reachtech.php.

Hello and Welcome!
Great timing! I was just planning to start making molds again, and was wondering what the shelf life is for the gold and pink strip rubber…?
Thank you!
Hi Julie,
We guarantee shelf life of one year as a commercial matter, but 2 - 5 years in not uncommon.We’ve even seen cases of 10 years and in one case 30 years.
It all depends on exposure to heat over time. If you want to extend the shelf life of the rubber, store it in a refrigerator (but NOT in the freezer).
Rubber does not go bad suddenly but ages a bit everyday. So it can be old and still usable for a long time.
Thank you for using Castaldo products and I hope this answers your question!
Michael Knight
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Hello Michael,
Ok! good to know! Thank you!
Hello to our ‘new’ sponsors!..:>)
It is so gratifying to see so many well respected “Suppliers of our
jewellery community” now join “Ganoksin/Orchid”. These leaders, I believe,
will be well received by the members, everywhere! My only suggestion is to
have one or two of those companies have staff read the ‘daily forum’. Just
like “Stuller” has “The Tool-Guy”, there are now so many new members all
having production, or buying problems, they need answers at a moments
notice! They need guidance and these sponsors’ staff can help them
immediately, without waiting for days. I will be reading & answering
questions these letters as they pertain to “Diamond Setting”. Even as I
will be teaching & travelling into Northern California next month (Berkeley
& Oakland) I will be lurking and as well answering questions, if and when
Gerry Lewy
www.gemsettingtutor.com http://www.gemsettingtutor.com
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