Wax wire settings

Does anyone know of a book, article, or any other source about
making prongsettings for faceted stones from wax wire? I have found
sources for carvingwax settings but I’m interested in building up
and not carving settings.

In that same vein I’m also looking for about build up
settings using melted wax or build up wax such as perfect purple and
a wax pen.

I have tried many different google searches as well as searhing here
in the archives but to my suprise cannot find anything.

Probably not the first but Adolfo Mattiello, 'How to create settings
in metal, wire and wax.comes with a set of templates to get more
accuracy. $45.50 from Rio Grande


Lost Wax Jewelry Making: The Build-up Technique - Complete Edition.
from Ganoksin $34.95 or included with all the historic books

If you are a precision person the first one is for you, there are
others, but these are the first ones that spring to mind,


If you can find a copy of this book it gives a great deal of
How to Create Settings in Metal, Wire and Wax not sure if
it is in print, amazon has used copies for sale, but the prices seem

You may want to get the following book.
http://www.ganoksin.com/gnkurl/ep8256 I believe that this book and
template set," How to create setting in metal wire and wax is just
what your looking for".

It is an excellent resource and shows how to make wire basket
settings in wax or metal. This can really assist you in making your
own custom settings in wire.

It is an excellent resource. $45.50 and worth every penny.

Best regards,

Phillip Scott
Graduate Gemologist
Technical Support Specialist
Rio Grande, A Berkshire Hathaway Company

Phillip- Thanks. You couldn’t have posted this at a better time. I
just saw this book for the first time last weekend and was wondering
where to get it.

I was teaching an “Intro to Professional Faceted Stone Setting”
workshop and one of my students said “Can you explain how to make
prong settings for odd shaped stones”. I said “Sure I can, I’ll show
you all how next week end if we have time”. I figured I’d do a bunch
of drawing on the chalk board and give them a few tricks. Then one of
my students said,“Hey I’ve got this book. by a guy named Mattiello.”
She brought it in the next day and I thought, geez, I’ve got to add
this to my library for my students to look at. He even gave the same
tips I did when I gave them a general verbal out line of what to do
the previous day.

I love that I learn something new from my students every time I

Jo Haemer

I have the Mattiello book and it is just filled with good
I have a number of odd shaped faceted stones that I got
some timeago at the Tucson gem show. By making my own wire settings,
I can construct them to the exact shape of the stones. The directions
are clear and explicit, and I highly recommend the book. Alma

Thanks to everyone who has responed to my query about on
using wax wre to make settings. Unfortunately the book by Adolfo
Mattiello, “How to create settings…” demonstrates the use of metal
and not wax wire, and the use of hard carving wax. I want to make a
simple prong setting which functions to hold the stone in place but
as a more organic feel. Here is one of y pieces which has flush set
diamonds in it to give you some idea of many aesthetic.

If anyone has and/or experience relating to my original
query it would be helpful