Wax cleaning ideas

Does anybody have any ideas for a liquid that can be used in place
of Wax Kleen or Wax Brite to clean up the waxes before casting?

I use Goo-Gone… but be careful… it’s strong but does a
wonderful job. Margie Mersky

Hello Avi;

Yes, I’ve been using lighter fluid (as used in the old Zippo type
cigarette lighters) for as long as I have carved wax (you don’t want
to know). It’s relatively cheap and readily available. Also, Naptha
works pretty well, and it’s available in many stores that sell turps
and other solvents used in painting. A product used to thin rubber
cement called “Bestine” will work well too, and can be found in many
office supply stores, but I’m leary of using it as it is repoted to
be a carcinogen. Any solvent should used with adequate ventilation
and contact with skin and eyes should be avoided. Some are best used
with respirators capable of filtering chemical fumes. Some are, in
my opinion, best avoided entirely. For instance, laquer thinner
makes me very nervous. I refer to it asl “liver solvent”. :slight_smile:

David L. Huffman

Try one of the various concentrated ‘orange’ cleaners. I believe
that the ingredient of interest is d-limonene. Although meant to be
diluted with water, I use it straight, one brand actually came in a
pump spray bottle. Absolutely invaluable when working with milled


Demand Designs
Analog/Digital Modelling & Goldsmithing

GOO GONE works great . Its safer than using a harsh chemical and
smells some what pleasant. Apply on cotton swab or terry cloth.

Walmart and hardware stores carry it.

Tony @ Cecenas Jewelry
Belleville, Il

Hello Avi, A little dish washing detergent mixed with water 50/50
and a small piece of cotton or Q-tip will polish wax nicely. Gail

One of the speakers at the last Platinum Symposium mentioned that
orange cleaners used on waxes can interact with platinum
investments. Has anyone else noted this?

Dana Carlson

The orange cleaners work great the only downside is they react to a
lot of investments in the casting process, I would have to recommend
against it if you require good castings from your original wax.


The orange cleaners work great the only downside is they react to
a lot of investments in the casting process, I would have to
recommend against it if you require good castings from your
original wax. 

This is especially true of the phosphate bonded platinum
investments, and in my experience, includes also those orangy wax
cleaners which specifically state on their label, “will not
contaminate investment”. (yeah, right.).

but the cure is easy. Before investing, wash the wax with soap and
water, and rinse well. The orange cleaners are generally water
soluable, and the harmful residues will come off with just dish soap.
