Wax charges



We will charge a min. of 50.00 to carve any wax model. If more
complicated I will figure out what we would charge for the
finished piece, subtract material costs and most of the labor and
charge that price. That insures that we will not lose the profit
we would have made if the piece was completed. A higher price
also insures that we will cast and finish the job, because its
usually cheaper for them to have us do the whole thing.

Normally in fact we do not charge for wax models to our regular
customers, we make sure all unsold waxes are returned to us. We
have a very high go ahead rate. I think that we get alot more
custom work because the jewlers don’t worry about spending money
up front, and we make it all up on the back end because the wax
carving charge is built into the final charge.

We did have one customer take one of our waxes elsewhere to be
cast, we will no longer do his work.

Sketches are also no charge and are part of the final price, no
one would want a sketch if they didn’t want a completed piece.
Again I think the lack of upfront investment really increases our
total volume of work. If we found that we were not getting go
aheads from someone that was getting sketches and waxes at no
charge we would begin charging or more likely drop the account.

Mark P.