Walter and Connie Bagley


All going through my stone inventory realized one of the cutters
I used to purchase from a while back was Walter Bagley, he used to
visit theshows at one’s own booths. he was the prospector/cutter/
and salesmen all in one. a lot of people did that then 1980’s, but
what I liked and purchased from Walter a lot was his very unique
shapes and forms of carvings in many many different types and kinds
of minerals he would dig up. his cutting was unparalleled because of
his creative shapes and forms the likes which I am still looking to
find. I am pretty sure Walter passed away at this point, I remember
getting a call 2005? from Connie his wife, letting me know they were
selling everything to keep up with the health bills, I was wondering
if anyone in Orchidland recalls or knew of Walter and Connie and as
to whatever happened to them and their business. if there were any
one out therewith any of his inventory please let me know. thanks