Used equipment/used videos afterthought

Sorry for not consolidating thoughts, but this came to me after I
sent the first message. I do have an extra copy of Oppi Untracht’s
out of print book Metal Techniques for Crafstmen (which is a terrific
all-purpose text for the methalsmith) that I would happily trade for
videos if anyone is interested. Also, I’ve been thinking of
purchasing Untracht’s book Jewelry Concepts and Technology and was
wondering if anyone could give any feedback about the book. Is it
worth the money?

Thanks again!
Carrie Otterson

 Also, I've been thinking of purchasing Untracht's book Jewelry
Concepts and Technology and > was wondering if anyone could give any
feedback about the book.  Is it worth the money? 

absolutely, one of the most complete books on various techniques I
own (and I own a few). If you like the metalsmithing book the k
Jewelry Concepts and Technology book is equally good if not better.

Also, I've been thinking of purchasing Untracht's book Jewelry
Concepts and Technology and was wondering if anyone could give any
feedback about the book. Is it worth the money? 

Yes! While other books have much to offer including newer techniques
(like fold-forming) or a more hands-on approach (like Alan Revere’s
and Tim McCreight’s books), in my opinion, this is still the “bible”
and definitely worth having.
