[USA] Late spring early summer workshops

Announcing… Hey, people, I’m coming over in May next year! I’m
thrilled, I am.

While this internet connection has allowed us all from various
parts of the planet to natter on about stuff as if we were in
the next village (and for some of you in large countries you can
get to meet up quite often), in fact I’m miles and miles away. So
for me to be getting out and about and over to USA is a big deal.

I’m doing a spectacle-making workshop at Alan Revere’s, plus a
weekend one there on shop-alloying I call Metalchemy. What else
can I do while I’m there? I wondered. So after a few emails,
‘negotiations are under way’. I’m over the moon!

Meanwhile, a request. If any of you run late spring/early summer
workshops (early May to early June) and are interested in fitting
me into a jewellery or metal-arts program, please let me know. As
I’m already doing eyewear at Alan Revere’s, I won’t want to be
doing that anywhere else on the US West Coast. But I do other

Brief descriptions follow:

‘Making a Spectacle’, 40 hrs. Despite the fact that it is
literally right in front of our face, most of us overlook the
opportunity for artistic expression through the creation of
original eyewear.

‘Face Furniture’, 16hrs We’ll use kitset sheet metal frames and
existing specs as foundation for ideas, and create a
‘sight-specific’ wearable artwork that conveys more ‘message per
inch’ than a pin!

‘Metalchemy’ The Diverse Art of Metallurgy, Starts with theory
and leads to very practical alloying. Satsuo Ando method of
pouring ingots Tree rings - a one-piece metal ring from a tree

‘Street Jewellery’ - Impromptu 1-hour jewellery sessions for
straight-off-the-street beginners. Guaranteed fun.

Casting - Ideas to Objects. What’s a good casting . . . and how
can I get one? We cover casting types from free and spontaneous
to careful and laborious. Practical assignments: Repeat
cuttlefish castings

examples. What’s the jewellery scene in New Zealand? What would
it take to exhibit in New Zealand?

I don’t think I can export my latest workshop ‘Bush Jewellery’
as it requires the context of the New Zealand bush - a local
term for the wild ferny forest wop-wops, ‘going bush’ means
quitting normal civilised city-life. Maybe there’s another term
other than ‘bush’ that’s more universal; to mean simple,
back-to-basics, spontaneous, rule-breaking fun. Is there?


B r i a n A d a m J e w e l l e r y E y e w e a r
@Brian_Adam1 ph/fx +64 9 817 6816 NEW ZEALAND
http://www.adam.co.nz/workshop/brochu.htm brochure

I’d like to thank to those who responded to my request for
fitting me into a jewellery or metal-arts workshop program while
I’m touring the continent in May/June 1999. I now have a fairly
busy itinerary.

Tyler Philadelphia Slide Lecture May 6
MICA Baltimore Eyewear May 13 14 15 16
92nd St Y NYC Eyewear May 17 18 19
Revere Academy SF Eyewear May 24 25 26 27 28
Revere Academy SF Alloying May 29 30
Arizona Designer Slide Lecture ‘NZ Jewelry’ June 4
Arizona Designer Alloying June 5 6

I’m negotiating with a couple of other places and hope to do at
least the slide lectures there. But I have not heard from anyone
in Canada. I didn’t put the [USA] in the subject line!

Anyone there from Canada that runs workshops in June 99? Please
contact me.

B r i a n =A0 A d a m J e w e l l e r y E y e w e a r =A0
@Brian_Adam1 ph/fx +64 9 817 6816 NEW ZEALAND
http://www.adam.co.nz/workshop/brochu.htm workshop brochure

I teach at technical College in Green Bay Wisconsin. We have 12
students in the Jewelry Program. Would you please send me more
about yourself. Classes run normally from August to
May but We are always looking for jewelry workshop speakers.