Tuscon neophyte

Hello Members,

I’m a lurker of several years, and I need your help. I’ve recently
started making jewelry full time, of the drilled stone and prefab
findings variety, and have also started studying how to fabricate
"real" jewelry. I want to go to Tuscon (I have family there so last
minute lodgings are not a problem!) but am ambivalent as to whether
to go as I’m so confused as to WHAT shows to go to. I’m looking for
the unusual and unique drilled stones and pendants. (The kind of
stuff that just doesn’t make it to our local Gem and Jewelry show.)
I have studied all the show web sites but they are not very helpful,
and I can’t tell which shows have what type product. The only time
I can go is Jan 27-30, but it looks like some of the better shows
with lapidary artists are not till Feb.? Does anyone have any advise
or can tell me whether there are worthwhile venues during the
beginning of the show? Do the more unusual offerings disappear the
first day of being offered? How long do you typically stay there
when buying materials? Thank you so much,
