To All,
When I left for Tucson on Monday, Jan. 29, I had not yet received the
Tucson Show Guide � nor had anyone else, from what I have learned �
and I was really pissed off! If you’re like me, you subscribe to many
magazines that cover colored stone issues and, despite the fact that
Colored Stone magazine is well-written, the only real reason to
subscribe is to get the Tucson Show Guide in advance. Not only does
this allow me to confirm the locations of the dealers I need to see,
but the ads actually turn me on to new products and materials that I
want to check out.
As it happens, I ran into a Colored Stone/Lapidary Journal (same
company) editorial staffer in Tucson and, when I expressed my
irritation at the situation, was told that the editorial staff had
warned the bosses that there was going to be a problem but that the
bosses, i.e., the publishing staff, had shrugged it off.
I find this cavalier attitude toward both subscriber and advertiser
to be unacceptable and I am sending a letter to this effect to the
publisher, a Mr. Joseph Breck. If you feel the same way I do, I hope
you’ll do the same.
Colored Stone’s address is 60 Chestnut Ave., Suite 201, Devon, PA
19333-1312. The e-mail address listed in the magazine is for the
editorial staff but I suppose you could ask them to forward your post
to the publisher ( You may also want to
copy your letter to the Sales Director, Karen H. Nuckols
(, the CEO of the parent company Primedia,
Linda Jenkins (no e-mail listed), and the Primedia V.P. of
Circulation, Renee Jordan (no e-mail listed).