Tucson show dress code?

As a Tucson first timer, I need to ask about the dress code for the
wholesale shows that are not open to the general public.

Normal street clothing, coat and tie??

Thanks for the input. (From the number of shows listed in colored
stone, it looks like I might need running shoes to see everything!)


Arizona is Casual… Casual… Casual… Also, keep watch on the
weather. One year it was HOT the next there was snow. Tucson is at
a higher elevation than Phoenix, and usually cooler, so it might help
to watch SW temps as we get closer to Feb.

I rarely see anyone in a suit or tie. Bolo Tie yes, but silk ones

Any bring a big bag for literature, purchases etc. There is a
shuttle that runs to all the different shows, so you might not get
back to your car or hotel until late. Also, good, comfortable
walking shoes and bottled water. We are a desert, and very dry. It
helps with your energy level to keep hydrated.

My 2 cents… Hope this helps…


Hi Joe,

  Normal street clothing, coat and tie?? 

Thanks for the input. (From the number of shows listed in colored
stone, it looks like I might need running shoes to see everything!)

Normal street clothes are fne. A coat & tie aren’t required. It’s
good to wear things that can be layered. The mornings (outside) are
cool, but the day warms up as it progresses.

The one thing that is required is a VERY COMFORTABLE pair of walking
shoes/boots. The AGTA show & the hotel rooms are carpeted. Most
everything else is concrete, blacktop on something hard.


Boots and bolo tie [western that is ,you are going to Tucson] or as
you said running shoes and a thick pocket book . George

PLEASE NO BOLO TIES. PLEASE. Arizona has enough fashion troubles
with out you bringing them from out of state and out of country.
Sam Patania, Tucson

    PLEASE NO BOLO TIES. PLEASE. Arizona has enough fashion
troubles with out you bringing them from out of state and out of
country. Sam Patania, Tucson 

Hey, now, Sam- Bola ties are the official neckwear of Arizona- by
decree of our legislature. And as is the case with most things, there
are some gawdawful bolas out there, and some damn fine ones as well.

What’s your grievance against bola ties? Is it about the cheap cords,
the poor execution and cheesy southwestern themes so often seen, or
does it go more towards the whole bola tie concept?
Lee Einer