[Tucson 2008] Electric Park Learning Center

Hello everyone.

It is now finally definitely certain: yes the Learning Center at the
Tucson Electric Park Show will be offering a full program of free,
open-to-everyone, demonstrations, talks and seminars for the full
duration of Tucson 2008.

To get an idea of what the Learning Center is all about check out
last year’s programme at electricparklearningcenter.com

That being said, we are now looking for people who might like to
give talks and demonstrations, on any aspect of gem and jewelry
how-to in which you may have a special interest or expertise. It
could be techniques, it could be marketing, it could be jewelry
travels or gem travels: the “how-to” should be taken very broadly. If
you have a slide show on your recent gem buying trip to Madagascar or
Nigeria or some other exotic location, and would like to present it
at the Learning Center, contact me. Or if you have a special
expertise in jewelry display, or in the marketing of hand made craft.
We’re trying again to achieve a very broad focus, something for

Any suggestions, ideas, proposals, please contact me off list, and
also please leave a phone number where I can contact you.

Cheers and see you at the Learning Center
Hans Durstling
Moncton, Canada

Hello everyone,

In making your Tucson plans don’t forget to check out the free,
public, talks, demonstrations and seminars at the Electric Park
Learning Center.

For a venture that’s only in its second year we have a gratifyingly
high power lineup of speakers and presenters.

We have the Mayor of Tucson coming in to facet cut a stone; we have
Fred Ward presenting his new book on phenomenal gems; we have Colin
Winter, one of the most respected and senior figures in British
gemmology, giving a presentation on spectroscopy; we have Roger Dery,
past winner of the AGTA cutting award, talking about the real world
of commercial, non-hobby, professional gem cutting; Brad Simon
introduces a new internet-based jewelry television channel; award
winning cutter Tyler Allen will give a spine-tingling account of his
greenhorn’s venture into the turbulent and dangerous world of gem
buying in Madagascar. Not surprisingly, Orchid is well represented,
with Gerry Lewy doing two sessions on diamond setting with the graver
and Wayne Emery doing presentations on gem and jewelry photography.
He’s also by the way doing another on the USB microscope which was
recently mentioned here on Orchid - that’s the intriguing little
camera-cum-microscope that plugs directly into the computer.

Check out the program at www.electricparklearningcenter.com

All presentations are one hour or less in duration; all are open to
the general public; all are free. Presentation times are at 11 am,
1:30pm and 3:30 pm each day from February 2nd to 16th.

You’ll see there are still some open slots in the program in the
second week. If anyone on the list would like to give a presentation

  • on any topic or technique that relates to jewelry and gems, do
    please email me off list.

Cheers - see you at the Learning Center!
Hans Durstling
In Virginia - en route to Tucson.

Don’t forget to come around to this “Learning Centre” on Feb.7th and
Feb. 10th both seminars at 3:30 p.m. I am to deliver two, 2 hour
seminars just on the many uses of an Onglette graver…I will be
handing out many reference sheets all pertaining to this method of
setting stones…These gravers are all applicable to Bezel as well as
Pave’ setting and also aiding the basic clean-up of your designs &
patterns. If you have any “other” questions on setting, I will be
more that happy to answer them…see you all there…Gerry!