Trying to find a textbook

When I was in high school a teacher gave me a textbook her daughter used in a college course. I loved it, but lost it. I can’t remember the name or author, but I think he taught at a school in Chicago. It was something along the lines of the Brepohl but maybe half the size and had more of an artistic approach but still plenty of technical info. It didn’t have the dust jacket so I only know the the hardcover was black. It’s been 15 years so I’m not even sure if I’m remembering any of this correctly. If anyone has any clues to what it’s called or the author I’d really appreciate it. I used it to teach myself after I moved beyond the skill of the high school teacher and would love to track down another copy.
Thanks for the help

Probably easier to find the teacher. At least it’s a smaller haystack.
Regards RLW

You may be thinking of the late Robert von Neumann’s “The Design and Creation of Jewelry.” He taught at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne.

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That’s it! Thank you so much. 15 years of trying to figure this out and as soon as I ask for help…
Turns out I did have the dust jacket as well. I recognized the cover as soon as I saw it.

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