I am traveling to G.B. between the middle of August and the end of Sept. II would appreciate suggestions related to jewelry making that would be interesting to see while I am there. I lived in the Midlands and Cotswold s many years ago and i have family and friends scattered in many places. It would also be interesting to meet other jewelers if anyone is available for a brief visit. I teach and make jewelry using stones I often cut myself. I also am known for designing mechanisms and catches and setting stones in unusual ways. My teaching web site has photographs of my work. taosjewelryschool.com Please also write if you know places to visit in Germany. I have often dreamed about visiting museums and workshops particularly in Ider Oberstein and Pforzheim. Any help offered on places to see and visit would be much appreciated. Thank you. Marilynn Nicholson…
Can I travel with you as baggage or butler please
Regards RLW
Hi Ron,
I am going to stay with family and friends most of the time so it is not that exotic. I lived in G.B. in the 70s and 80s and love it there…… You do not indicate where you live or whether you are a jeweler etc….
I would be glad to share some experiences with you by sending photos. I already have some great places to revisit and hope to also see new things and meet people……If you live near N.M. perhaps we can connect sometime…. I am going to the Colorado Metalsmith’s conference in Salida, Co. this weekend…… I had better get ready to leave…. It is a long drive from here!... Marilynn
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Hi Marilynn,
The Pforzheim Schmuckmuseum is absolutely amazing. I visited last year and wished I had the whole afternoon to spend time in their wonderful space. The Landesmuseum of Baden-WĂĽrttemberg located in Stuttgart is also fantastic, as thy have a very cool collection of Ancient Greek, Roman and Etruscan jewelry as well as an incredible collection of treasures from all over the world including fine gems, art objects and jewelry. I could also send the entire day in this place.
If you are into fine mineral specimens, i would also recommend going to the Kristallmuseum in Reidenburg. They are a world class institution and have some of the worlds best displays of tourmaline!
I hope you have a great time!!!
Hi Marilynn,
Have you seen the jewellery gallery of the V&A Museum in Kensington? The library has the book on clasps covering several 4000 years if you don’t already have it. But you have to join up online and request books in advance. 4,000 years of fasteners in jewellery.
This exactly how the library still looks today:
Hi Jules,
Yes, I have been to the V&A many time, I had a one woman show in the jewelry gallery in the 1980s and they have 2 or my pieces in their collection… The clasp book is a good reference but I wish it had close up photos of the clasps and the way they work… History has a lot to offer in constructing things in ingenious ways! If mechanisms are your particular interest I have other sources of information that may interest you. Marilynn
Hi JB,
Thanks for the suggestions…I am worried about figuring out how to get around and where I should land and which trains to take…I will be flying there from London or Bristol. I also want to go to Idar Oberstein as well….If you have any tips on places to stay or how to get around I would appreciate them… Thanks… I have some great places to share too if you ever travel to G.B. Marilynn
Hi Julia,
I am getting nervous about going…. Can you give me any advice on how far apart these things are and how to get from place to place? I do need help in deciding what I should try to see. Thanks…. Marilynn
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