Toronto jewellery exhibition

I just finished the most interesting trade-show I’ve been in, why
so? I found that there is such a lack of diamond setters who have the
ability to teach. Whoever I spoke to, want me to come to their
office/shop or studio & teach. In only 2.5 days I spoken to 14
interested folks who need to upgrade their setting skills & also
help these new designers.

With a few great teaching schools in America, and only one in
Canada. This aspect of our trade, is so lacking. One of my students
has been viewing our Orchid videos, & so much has now been now
explained to her. She wrote that videos are so much easier to learn
by. then typed text sheets. I must concur with her!!! This setters
job is now to keep up with the demand of helping to train these
people. I must say that this is a formidable task. Gerry Lewy

Thanks to you Gerry, some of us don’t have school or can’t afford to
go, can learn from your videos, thanks again so much for sharing.
