Tools for use with LOS

Hello all,

I was wondering what method or tools people use to dip their pieces
into cleaning solutions and Liver of Sulphur when there is no hole in
the piece to string it onto something.

Are there tools that should not be used, say for instance, copper
tongs or steel tongs?

Or, when there is a hole, if you use sterling wire as opposed to
copper wire or steel wire to dip the piece, does that effect the

I guess the question is do certain materials react badly with the
chemicals and should they be avoided?

Grace Stokes


I was wondering what method or tools people use to dip their
pieces into cleaning solutions and Liver of Sulphur when there is
no hole in the piece to string it onto something. 

when I patina my jewelry, I use one of Tupperware’s pickle-lifters.
It’s plastic and has a nice shelf with handles going to the bottom.
You can slide it up and down easily. It drains nicely and you can
agitate the arrangement gently. I buy mine at second-hand stores; I
think you can still get them new. Re-heating the patina solution may
be a little cumbersome (at the moment, I’m only using cold patina

Judy Bjorkman

I was wondering what method or tools people use to dip their
pieces into cleaning solutions and Liver of Sulphur when there is
no hole in the piece to string it onto something. 

Uh, my fingers.

And I prefer to paint liver of sulphur on with a paintbrush, no
