Thurso, Caithness. UK
Just us
Just us leather designs started 5yrs ago. We have an arts background and with some knowledge of dyes and techniques of leather work we decided to move from artwork (painting) to use a medium new for us. We have been working with artwork (paintngs) for 25 yrs.
Our work is hand produced ( hand formed and machine free )
We use high quality leather which is tanned in a natural way using nine different sorts of wood, berries and leaves and chemical free. The finished work is water repellent and is worn outdoors. The nine designs we have are our own designs so are original. They can be brooches, necklaces or hair accessories.
Based in Thurso, North Scotland our area is very quite and remote from the rest of the Scottish towns. We are hoping to find outlets for our work and we work full time with the collections
Materials: leather and dyes
Dimensions: 5cm
natural leather and leather dyes, leather necklace or brooch
Photo credit: Just us
Large 5 petal
Materials: leather and dye
Dimensions: 7 cm
Brooches necklaces or hair clip
Hand formed and dyed
Photo credit: Just us
Materials: leather an dye
Dimensions: 9cm
leather and dye hand work. Necklace with leather strap with wooden beads to adjust.
Photo credit: Just us
Materials: leather and dyes
Dimensions: 7cm across
leather and dyes (chemical free )
brooches or necklaces. Shades and tones in red, blues and yellow/greens
Photo credit: Just us
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8 petal
Materials: leather and dyes
Dimensions: approx 7cm across
Natural, chemical free leather and dyes
brooch or necklace with leather strap which has wooden beads to adjust length
come sin all shades of red, yellows and blues
Photo credit: Just us
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Choker (necklace)
Materials: Leather and dyes
Dimensions: 16cm in length
Leather work : hand dyed and cut : leather strap with wooden beads for adjustment
comes in various pastel shades and tones of reds, blues and yellow/green
Photo credit: Just us