To Infinity & Beyond

Since this is the place to post things we make…here’s a few with a minimal bio. Highschool metal shop, loved welding and quickly started welding “art” projects. 2004 went to Bill Moran’s School of Bladesmithing; won some awards at West Coast shows. Built a backyard smithy and got into traditional blacksmithing. Started doing a lot of repurposed metal art to satisfy my whimsical side. Fall of 2020 after a couple of joint surgeries decided it was time to minimize my time on the anvil and started teaching myself silversmithing. I’m definitely not a jeweler, more like a silversmith hobbyist bent on learning as much as I can while having as much fun as I can! In the last 2 1/2 years I’ve made about 120 pieces…rings, earrings, cuffs, bracelets & pendants. I have no “look” I’m settled on or that defines me; I just want to keep exploring and learning.


Wow! Very nice work and a quite a few interesting techniques too! Did you do the Engraving on the second Ring? I’m impressed! Thank you for sharing!


Nice work! Is the second ring made from an impression die or engraved?..Rob

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Very nice work. I am always impressed with nice clean work. As a former steel worker I know what it means to go from pounds of stock down to grams. Seeing these pieces I’d very much like to see you iron work.

Don Meixner

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Hi Jonathon, I wish I could say that I’d done the engraving! But no, I recently bought a 20 ton press and gotten addicted to Kevin Potters website and FB page POTTERUSA.COM. He sells dies made from 19 & 20th century master hubs from which, a smith or jeweler can recreate period jewelry art. This is what he calls a “humpback” ring bc of the humped die used to create the pressing. A little tricky to learn at first but the effort is worth it. Go check out his site…you’ll be amazed!


Thanks Rob!, one of Potter’s humpback ring dies.

Thanks Don! Yep, you of all people would really get it! Here’s a couple of knives and my whimsical stuff.


Potter USA is a rabbit hole that I drop into for hours…Rob


Me to Rob, now i’m thinking I need an electrical upgrade to my Bonny Doon! :rofl:

Mine is manual. It is part of my exercise routine…Rob

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Rob, have you bought and used Potters anti & synclastic bracelet forming tools with the manual press? Seems like a lot of up and down in slow motion!

Incredible work! Those Knives are amazing and the Sculptures are very cool, but I Love that Horse, absolutely brilliant! I’m very impressed! Thank you for sharing!

I have both and they work great on 18 gauge sterling up to 1" wide. I have never gone wider, but there is no reason why they won’t work until you get to the width of the tools. I also has a local machinist make me a flat one to form very wide flat bracelets…Rob


Many thanks Jonathan!

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You are one talented man! Love your work!

Thanks for your kind feedback Gillian!

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Wonderful work! I can hope I’ll get that good in time. Thanks for showing us.

Thanks Ken. I’m confident you will! Anything you love doing and spend the time and resources to perfect and learn more about, you will excel! Happy metalsmithing :+1: