To Glue or Not to Glue

On something I make…no glue, ever, its not needed. But sometimes
for repair, glue is the only cost effective way. Except I then call
it adhesive. Example that’s in the shop now… Sterling earring
inlaid with turquoise, broken post, inlay is shaky. While it could be
sent out for laser repair the value of the piece and integrity of the
inlay don’t warrant the expense, I offer both options. I tell the
customer adhesives eventually fail.

Yes I will repair low value and costume jewelry. Its a pretty good
traffic builder. But then I’m in retail. Even the wealthiest of
customers have costume that has sentimental meaning for them. I try
to service all my client’s needs. I’d rather deal with the
frustrations involved than send them elsewhere.

Within limits.

Some of the previously glued jewelry people bring in is just fast
production work with insufficient bonding area. A well thought out
arrangement can increase the service life of the bond. When feasible
I offer the ‘hot rod’ version of repair.