To debubblize or not

I will be doing some centrifugal casting and wonder if it is
necessary to use a debubbilzer.

If so, can one use Simple Green. I was told that it can be used,
however, before I mess with chemicals in my kiln, I figured I had
better get some good advice.

Thanks. Alma

Not. If you have a good vacuum it doesn’t make much, if any,
difference. And you have to wait for it to dry.

Stephen Walker

Helo Alma,

I cast regulary and stopped using debubblizer years ago.

Have fun.
tom arnold


I am presuming you are speaking of investment then centrifugal.

I learned the expensive way at the beginning of my casting lesson
that wax to metal has a relationship like the computer…WYSIWYG

What you see is what you get…If there are bubbles in the wax there
will be bubbles in the metal…unless that is the look you’re going

Oh yeah…the other lesson was that wax is easier to file than metal
and less expensive. Of course I prefer to learn the hard way…now I
try to do it the easier/cheaper way.

Simone…sigh there goes 35 c…here comes -50 c

Not. If you have a good vacuum it doesn't make much, if any,
difference. And you have to wait for it to dry. 

Even without a good vacuum, it usually isn’t really of any benefit,
since it’s role is just as a wetting agent, thus minimizing the
tendancy of bubbles to stick to the wax. But virtually all the modern
commercial investments already contain a wetting agent, so adding
debubleizer is merely duplicating the function of what’s already in
the investment.


Hello, my experiance has led me to not use any thing like that. Use a
vacuum to remove air, that will do it. Products like wax shines and
debubblizers have created problems in the past for me so I never use
them now.

good luck. dennis

I’d get rid of it… In my experience, casting is a matter of
variables: eliminating as many variables as possible makes for better

As others have written, with today’s vacuums and investments bubbles
clinging to a “non wetted” surface are rare. Introducing a variable
like liquid debubblizer is adding another factor to the equation with
no benefit.

In fact, if you don’t fully dry the liquid, it can contribute to
grainy patches on the casting surface and “water marks”-- those
little bubbly trails that run down a casting.
