Tips and ideas for CMAG

Dear Orchid land-- I have been asked to put together an article
(possibly to become a regular feature) for the newsletter of
Chicago’s new metals organization, CMAG (Chicago Metal Arts Guild).
It is to be based on, or a listing of, the myriad technical bits of
I tend to collect (like a squirrel collects nuts–and,
like the squirrel, I don’t always know where–in my head–to find
them when I need them). Many, if not most, of these come from this
wonderful resource. So, I just want to check with you folks–does
anybody see a problem with my passing such info along in this way?
How much, if any, attribution or disclaimer would you think called
for? I remember ideas a lot better than I do who gave them to me.
Thanks! --Noel

** Hanuman Response:

Dear Noel;

I am positive that no one will object, please include a credit to
ganoksin where possible, definitely the author and the Orchid list.
You might use, for instance, something like: (Hanuman, Jul
22/02, Orchid List -
