[Tidbits] Tying The Knot

A caveman strides a well-worn path. Draped over his forearm are
braided strips of grass forming some strands of rope. He approaches
his bride to be. He begins to tie the grass rope about various parts
of her body in order to keep her soul from escaping. He ties her
ankles… her wrists… her waist. He is bringing her spirit under
his control… poor deluded soul that he is.

And then some time passes. And the whole effort apparently seems
barely worth his while. And so he limits his tying to just her
wrist… which he knows… which he knows… will be enough to bring
her spirit under his control… poor deluded soul that he is.

And more time passes… and he figures what the heck… a bit of
grass… a hank of hair… around one finger and that is enough to
symbolize the union of man and woman… and to bring her spirit
under his control… poor deluded soul that he is.

And then even more time passes… as it is often wont to do… and
before the man knows it… he is in Egypt around 2800 B.C. And that
blade of grass around her finger is now forming a circle that
becomes the symbol of eternity. And the wedding band comes into
being… a circle… a heavenly symbol indicating love has no
beginning and no end. Clearly this is before the age of Divorce where
it is soon to be decreed by the higher courts that love not only has
a beginning… but also has an end. The innovations of modernism are
here to astound and amaze.

And so we arrive in modern Egypt… where gold and silver reign…
where women still wear ankle bracelets–known as khulkhall–made of
precious metals to show one and all they are married.

But why limit and circle of eternity to the ankle I say. Why not the
wrist for easier viewing. And why not some precious stones …
diamonds perhaps… one to start with… one to be added for each
year of blissful consumation.

But where to find this ringlet of gold and stones you might ask?
Ah… not to worry. I have a few in various stages of production. The
first starts with two diamonds… a round for him… a princess cut
for her… a bride and groom on a golden circle of love… side by
side… waiting for others to join them as the years go by.

A true delight folks. Go. Go see. Tell me if you like it.

For those of you who are new to this thing called Tidbits…may I
direct you to my home page at http://www.tyler-adam.com where you
will scroll down the left side menu till you get to the area that
says Current Tidbits… and you will see represented on our pages a
circle of gold–enhanced with diamonds–one for him… one for
her… to adorn her wrist and to symbolize eternal our pages a
circle of gold–enhanced with diamonds–one for him… one for
her… to adorn her wrist and to symbolize eternal love.

And there ya have it.
That’s it for this week folks.
Catch you all next week.
Benjamin Mark


You weave such marvelous tales with words. Ever entertaining.

I think the idea is interesting. The proportions don’t seem correct
to me, specifically the width of the gold wire holding the circles
and squares around the piece. I think a heavier, thicker wire would
produce a better effect but maybe I need to see the piece being worn.

Thanks for weaving marvelous tales and reminding us that a good story
is a great tool for selling jewelry.

Best regards,

The proportions don't seem correct to me, specifically the width of
the gold wire holding the circles and squares around the piece. I
think a heavier, thicker wire would produce a better effect but
maybe I need to see the piece being worn. 

I agree with you Mary. The gold wire looks too thin as far as visual
balance is concerned, and practically, such a bracelet might be very
easily bent out of shape. 2mm wire would be much stronger both
visually and practically, although obviously would cost a fair bit
more. Just an opinion though.
