[Tidbits] The Ugliest Piece of Jewelry in the World

The Ugliest Piece of Jewelry in the World.

It has been my quest … over the past six years … to find and
present the beautiful … or the delightful … or the off-beat.
Today my friends … I travel a new path. Today I venture into
uncharted territories. Today I guide the good ship Tidbits into
violent waters. Today … I bring you Ugly. We’re not talking not
so pleasing to look at. We’re not talking a little off the beaten
track. What we’re talking here is out and out offensive, folks.
We’re talking hideous and unsightly.

Norway … circa 1950. A piece of silver is cut and burnished and
formed into an abstract shape. Holes are pierced into the silver. It
is made into a brooch. Even the Queen of Hearts of the famous Alice
in Wonderland would not wear this brooch. Wait wait. In re-thinking
my thinking … perhaps “only” the Queen of Hearts of Alice in
Wonderland fame would wear this brooch.

I digress folks. I digress and disclaim. The opinions expressed in
this Tidbit are only the opinions of some phantom who guides my
hand. I–personally–have nothing to do with the frame of mind
expressed herein today. It’s an accident. I have no control over the
Force. I’m not writing this. Honest. You do believe me … don’t

In any case … this brooch is representative of the Avant-Garde
movement that represents non- representational interpretations of
non-representative abstractions that are famous for formlessness. I
have no idea what I just said folks … but it sounds great … no?
I know I know. I’m going to get it. The barrage is on its way.
Dumkopf! Molasses-head. Bee- bee brain. You have no appreciation for
art. What do you know about what’s nice and what’s not?

Of course … there’s the other side. Here and there I might find
someone who agrees with me. For every Yin there’s a Yang. The dark
and the light. I will let you judge. Write to me folks. Tell what
you think of this week’s little bauble. Is it beautiful? Is it
gorgeous? Or does it elevate the hideous to an art form … and for
that reason alone is worth showing? Let me know. I’m dyin’ here for
an answer. I’m dyin’ … ya know?

For those of you who are new to this thing called Tidbits…may I
direct you to my home page at www.tyler-adam.com where you will
scroll down the left side menu till you get to the area that says
Tidbits…and then click on the link that says:Yech … where you
will see a graphic of a silver brooch created with nothing in mind.

And there ya have it. That’s it for this week folks. Catch you all
next week. Benjamin Mark

-- http://www.tyler-adam.com --

Isn’t there a mushroom or water plant that looks like that? I must
say that maybe the direction for the piece was to be disturbing. If
so then I think that it’s point as been accomplished.

Ugly? hmmm more like disturbing like an eye of a fly. I like the
background texture though. My question is was it ever sold and/or

"I am not the me that I am if I am not me"
Note: If you understand the above “SEEK HELP” :smiley:

The only problem with this piece ‘not representing anything in
particular’ is that it is a remarkable reprodution of a particular
type of seed pod that I have seen. In their attempt to be
non-representational and abstract they have failed utterly and should
be horse-whipped for attempting to file this in the 'Avant-Garde’
movement because it falls quite close to realism, or possibly Art
Nouveau (nature inspired works).

Ben Silver

Hi Benjamin, Looks like a warped shower drain to me. If I solder a
pin finding to the back of my shower drain cover - which is still
shiny & not yet out of round - think I could top the going price on
that old beat up looking thing? Okay, maybe mine wouldn’t be part of
the ‘inspired by WWII bombed building fittings collection’ but
surely I can conjure up equally impressive art-speak to stir the
intellectual wanna-be set just as effectively. Promise to send you a
photo if I ever get sickly bored enough to pursue such a project!

Best Regards,
Jeanette K