TIDBITS - The Biblical, Mythical Stone

The Biblical, Mythical Stone

The Agate is all over the place. In mythology. In the bible. Old and new
testament alike. I could not believe its prevalence. So…to begin. I pick
these examples randomly, with no preference to order other than the fact
that I picks 'em as I finds 'em. That said…

Isaiah…liv, 11,12: And I will make they windows of agates…

In the magical works of the Magus, those who are learned in the arts of
magic, sorcery, and astrology, Wednesday is allocated as a day to be
devoted to Science, and on this day, in order to ply one’s trade with
accuracy and aplomb, one needs to wear a green robe, a necklace of hollow
beads filled with mercury, and a ring with an agate set in it. Um…I know
I need not tell you folks where to get that agate ring…do I? Hmmm?

Exodus…xxviii,15: You shall make a breast piece of decision…the third
row: a jacinth, an agate, and a crystal…

It is said, according to my irrefutable sources, that the Egyptian “neshem”
stone, reputed to contain within its very soul, incredible magical powers,
it is said that this stone is the same as the Hebrew “leshem” stone, the
brown agate found in the breast piece mentioned in Exodus.

Amulets have been found in Japanese graves dating back to the iron age, and
among the materials used to create these amulets were…yup folks…you
guessed it…agate again.

The Bghai tribes of Burma had little stone statuettes, some presumably made
of agate, to which blood offerings were made. And the reason why some of
you may well ask…aw heck folks…cuz if they don’t feed it blood
regularly, it will eat them. Now then, if I had an agate statuette which
might eat me if I didn’t feed it blood regularly, heck, I’d have a bucket
of the stuff laying around …just in case. Um…Mr. Speilberg…if you’re
reading this…maybe you could use it in one of your movies. Whaddya say?
Man forgets to feed agate, agate eats man. Yummy!

There’s a city, according to Hindu mysticism, named Kusavati, which had
seven ramparts and these ramparts had four gates and each gate had seven
pillars and…but I digress, Point here is…one of the materials of one of
the ramparts was…Agate. Of course they were also made of gold and silver
and so one. But for today…we’re only talking agate folks.

What’s that you say? Is there more? Well of course there is. Would I stop
with a lousy seven mystical pillars? Nay nay good neighbors. Nay nay. We
forge ever onward, we here at Tyler-Adam Corp.

Now then, many magical and not so magical designs were engraved on agate.
Question is…were these designs engraved on these stones because of the
magical qualities agates were purported to have? Or was it because the
agate was a soft stone and easy to engrave upon. To me, the answer is quite
clear. Magic…and no other reason. Hey, I’m a modern dude, and I
understand this stuff. I know, among other things, that an agate protects
its wearer against danger. If you’re not too brave, wear an agate, and
you’ll put that lion in Oz to shame. Can’t sleep at night…wear an agate.
Hate nightmares…want pleasant dreams…wear that agate.

An airship was created in 1709. Guess what stones were inlaid in the body
of the craft to keep it afloat. Give up. It’s that Agate again.

For you prospector types, I’d love to help you out and tell you agates are
found all over the U.S. But they ain’t. Alas and alack, you have two
choices when trying to obtain an agate for your own magical purposes. You
can go mining them in Uruguay and Brazil. Or you can buy one
from…from…MOI…at Tyler-Adam Corp. Mounted and ready to go.

And there ya have it.
That’s it for this week folks.
Catch you all next week.

Take care,
Benjamin Mark

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< The Agate is all over the place. In mythology. In the bible. Old and new
< testament alike. I could not believe its prevalence. So…to begin. I pick
< these examples randomly, with no preference to order other than the fact
< that I picks 'em as I finds 'em. That said…

Hi Benjamin,

if you are impressed by agate, just research what is jasper in healing.
You’ll be astonished! Cure for everything. Markus