[Tidbits] In Search of the Savage Vegetable

Does there lurk in the jungles of veggie-land a savage vegetable so
ferocious as to instill fear in the hearts of all who are so
unfortunate as to encounter it in the dead of night? And if such a
thing exists… is or was there a jeweler ever so bold as to dare to
capture and reproduce an icon of this dreaded creature in gold and
diamonds and pearls for worshipers to admire in the full of the moon?

Do those who dance under the stars to the leafy throbbings of the
dreaded Artichoke of France and Belgium and the Mediterranean region
really know the meanings of true terror? Do the Asparagus idolaters
of France and Italy and the US where this garden green thrusts ever
upward truly know the meaning of excitement without ever having met
the monstrous Savage Vegetable?

Does the great Brussel Sprout of Belgium in its sensual green
globular coat think it compares in its barbarous-ness and cunning to
the feral stature of our Veggie-King?

And how about the Broccoli and the Beet of the US and France and
Poland and even the Czech Republic… do these mere pretenders of
orgiastic pleasures to the knowing palate even begin to defiantly
think they hold a candle to the wondrousness of the shapeless blob
that will soon terrorize your dreams as you drool in anticipation of
our monster saut=eed in butter with garlic and pepper with just a
slight sprinkling of gold dust?

Nay nay dear souls. Even Chard and the Cardoon as well as the strong
flavored Collard shrink in shame as they recognize their own
worthlessness in the face of our great Savage Vegetable… for this
creature ranks supreme … the emperor of all green and red things so
good to eat… as it presents itself to the world in all its gold and
gem laden beauty.

Yuppers mes amis. And I–Benjamin-the-Veggie Hunter–have found one
for all of you to see. And after you see it… may I wish you all
sweet dreams.

For those of you who are new to this thing called Tidbits…may I
direct you to my home page at www.tyler-adam.com where you will
scroll down the left side menu till you get to the area that says
Current Tidbits… and then click on it in order to view The Savage

And there ya have it.
That’s it for this week folks.
Catch you all next week.
Benjamin Mark