[Tidbits] Bang!


Okay. Let’s start with a riddle. Ready? fill in the blanks and tell
me the name of the man to whom this little saying refers:

God created man … Blank Blank made them equal.

For those who don’t know … I’ll tell you later.

For now … may I add some famous names in column one … and the
weapons they used in column two. The list is mixed and the guns
mismatched. You can match protagonist and guns yourselves. You can
email me for the answer whenever you want.

Column one Column two

Shell Scott                    .38 Police   
Dirty Harry                  2-45 Automatics
Lone Ranger                Cold Woodsman 
Napoleon Solo             .38 Colt Special
The Shadow                  Luger Special "S"
Matt Helm                    2-Colt 45
Dick Tracy                   Colt 44 Magnum (Model 29)

And the answer to the above saying is:

God created man … Sam Colt made them equal.

Did I mention I have a Diamond and Black Onyx and Ruby and Sapphire
Brooch in the shape of a pistol? This for those of you who might be
wondering from whence I got this theme. It’s worth about $1000. They
don’t tell me who made it. They don’t tell me the weight of the
diamonds. Essentially … the don’t tell me nuthin’.

In 1830, when he was 16 years old, Samuel Colt carved a model of a
single-barrelled pistol with automatically revolving chambers. By the
beginning of the Civil War, the Colt revolver was the standard small
arms of the world.

So many guns became popular it is a wonder to me that jewelers did
not make more models to commemorate such famous names as Deringer,
and Luger, and the Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum-- touted as the most
powerful handgun in the world.

The history and lore of guns is fascinating … this from one who
thinks guns kill people and people who kill people would not be able
to kill so easily were it not for guns … Charlton Heston aside.
Methinks he should have stuck to walking on water and parting the Red
Sea. But that’s me.

Quick … what most famous and colorful figures in American folklore
used Deringers as guns of choice? He was the most sophisticated and
sublty brutal man in the West. He took your diamonds … he took your
jewels … he took your money … and he took your land. He was the
Riverboat Gambler. He dressed to the nines … and he carried a
Deringer. Quick Tidbits. Deringer was made by Henry Deringer.
derringer … with double “r” and small “d” was a copy of the
Deringer and made by another company. So … for you gun owners …
do you have a Deringer … or do you have a derringer?

In the meantime … take a look at the diamond Pistol Brooch. And ask
yourselves why they don’t make more. A .357 Magnum for me sir …
thank you very much.

For those of you who are new to this thing called Tidbits…may I
direct you to my home page at www.tyler-adam.com where you will
scroll down the left side menu till you get to the area that says
Tidbits Graphics … and then click on the link that says: Bang …
where you’ll see an image of a white gold Pistol Brooch with rubies
and sapphires and diamonds.

And there ya have it. That’s it for this week folks. Catch you all
next week. Benjamin Mark

TYLER-ADAM CORP.–Jewelry Manufacturers
Tel – 1-800-20-TYLER
E-Mail: webmaster@tyler-adam.com

Quick … what most famous and colorful figures in American folklore
used Deringers as guns of choice? He was the most sophisticated and
sublty brutal man in the West. He took your diamonds … he took
your jewels … he took your money … and he took your land. He
was the Riverboat Gambler. He dressed to the nines … and he
carried a Deringer.

answer: Diamond Jim Brady

I think this post is at least mostly if not totally in error. see:
http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/B/Brady-Di.html He was a
New Yorker and was the salesman for Standard Steel Car based in
Pittsburg. The company later merged with Pullman in the 30’s My
grand father was the Chief Engineer of this company from it
inception in 1903.

He was a frequent guest in their home when my mother was a young
girl. He was very generous with gifts of which my mother was often
a recipient.
