[Tidbits] Ayigalu

I recently read or saw or heard somewhere that there is a movement
rising–in the interest of fair play and all that–whereby it will
not only be men giving diamond engagement rings to women… but
women will also be giving diamond engagement rings to men. This…
to let the world know… that this guy is now off the market. Of
course… these rings might smack of a different flavor. If he’s a
plumber–let us say --the ring might well be made of white gold in
the shape of a wrench bent to circle the finger with a diamond held
between the two jaws of the vise.

Joey just got engaged to Marie… and vice-versa. And now Joey’s at
the bowling alley… celebrating with the guys. Hey… Joeeee. I
hear ya got a diamond engagement ring. Yeah. Joey’s grinning. He’s
proud as punch. Let’s see Joey. Let’s see what ya got. Joey sticks
out his finger. Hey Joey. Wow. Neato Joey. Way to go pal. You look
very smart there Joey… with your engagement ring. Very very smart.

There’s an old saying out there that says we should not laugh at
others lest we find ourselves mocking the very things we are to be.
So don’t laugh at Joey. You taxi drivers might soon be wearing a
diamond steering wheel around your finger. For steel workers… a
girder perhaps. An accountant… a BIC pen. But forget that…
because jewelry for men ain’t nuthin’ new.

It was not too long ago that jewelry for men was a prominent element
in the dress code of Indian culture. The purpose back then was less
one of vanity than it was one of protective and favor-culling
purposes to the gods… as well as rank and sectarian denominations
within their social structures.

This all bode favorably with the gods who smiled benevolently upon
those who wore golden adornments in their honor. And in that
respect… decorating the image of a deity into a piece of jewelry
is and was an essential part of Hindu ritual.

There exists a portable shrine with a carved rock crystal case
adorned with rubies and emeralds which houses a Shiva lingam. A rock
crystal bull (Nandi) sits on top of a hinged lid. It is an
Ayigalu… it is a pendant. It is 10.2 cm in height and 11.5 cm in
width. It is drop dead gorgeous. And nobody is going to mock the
fellow who wears this.

There is much to say about this topic… but I feel that in brevity
there is strength. Also… I get a little lazy at times as I often
seem to be measuring my moments in micro-seconds while all the while
I’m addicted to doing Tidbits. So this is it for this week. Enjoy
the image. Catch you next Friday.

For those of you who are new to this thing called Tidbits…may I
direct you to my home page at http://www.tyler-adam.com where you
will scroll down the left side menu till you get to the area that
says Current Tidbits. Click it… and you will see represented on
our pages… an Ayigalu of exquisite beauty.

And there ya have it.
That’s it for this week folks.
Catch you all next week.
Benjamin Mark