I am looking for any reviews on this piece of equipment. I would really like to know how it works on detailed casting like class rings. Any problems with investment chipping or flaking from the gold turbulence in centrifugal casting?
Sorry to say, but there are only few repairs due to wear, no complaints, no warranty cases, only a few minor transportation issues and two returns for repair of transportation damages. Many of the flasks are still in use since 2000. Smiling faces of users at exhibitions. All that is fine as long as customers are asking for supplies.
The biggest dental lab of the world in Newport Beach, CA, runs 13 machines.
During a demonstration on the back of a pick-up car at the parking lot of an exhibition in Denver, CO, the product manager of a well known supplier of jewelry tools said: “even I can do that”.
As part of a workshop at PM West, Ontario, CA we did demonstrate casting of Pt together with Juergen Maerz, former technical director at PGI.
The center hole in the rotating mold is a combination of a funnel and a manifold of sprues to the cavities. Once the liquid metal is poured into, the liquid metal takes up rotational speed - after reaching the sprues the liquid metal experiences the centrifugal force, no turbulences there.
The kind of turbulences mentioned here result from change of flow direction within the cavity, but that’s independent of the casting method but a design or/and an issue of proper sprueing.
Chipping and flaking may occur with too thin and filigree structures or/and soft investment.
I apologize for this essay but hopefully responded to all your questions.