Thousands gather to make their own fair


We are on the verge of a revolution. A revolution of making and
creativity. As much as some want to stifle this creativity, take art
out of our schools, make people buy cheap stuff at Walmart, here is
another event in the making.

A quote from the NYT article states:

"Shortly after arriving I bumped into Tim O’Reilly, whose publishing
firm created Make. On Saturday he still wasn’t certain how big the
attendance figure would be but he guessed as many as 75,000 to
80,000, which would be more than double last year’s attendance.

When I saw Mr. O’Reilly he seemed to be in the process of trying to
figure out what he had created and how it had gotten so far out of
hand. “The vibe is definitely ‘something is going on here, but you
can’t figure out what it is,’” he said."

Oh, the vibe is happening and this is just the beginning. People are
rediscovering their hands and that it is fun to make things

I help people make jewelry on the playa at Burning Man. I watch art
being constructed in little places, a mark here, a collection of
rocks creatively and thoughtfully arranged there.

This is going to be fun to watch…and about damn time.
