Hi All,
It has been a very busy year. I would like to announce the
publication of the book “Foldforming”, edited by Tim McCreight and
Abby Johnston. This is the result of about 25 years of work, and the
book itself took four or so. It is a complete overview of the
fold-forming system, with 420 color pictures and lots of detailed
step by steps. Tim and Abby did a lovely job of this very pretty
book. I am proud to have it in one place like this. It is an
excellent book, and they arrived yesterday at my house…
You can see extracts and even buy a signed one from me at
For those patient people waiting for their fold-forming CDROM, I am
in the last 10%, and it is looking great. I am aiming for a May
delivery date on that.
As well, you can order a copy of the Jeweler’s Bench book from us
there. My own copies of this book arrived yesterday too, and I am
very happy with it as well!
Best to all for the Spring!