I am interested in locating detailed technical on the
process of “japanning”; where lacquer and powdered gold are fused
The traditional Japanese Urisol techniques use a lacquer made of the
active resin in the poison ivy family. This is no longer available in
the US. For see
a jewelry project is shown in :
This book is translated from Spanish. you probably won’t find the
resin in the US any more
actually a true shell based laquer (shellac) and gold are layered on
the substrate and generally at least one layer of colour comes into
play to give the piece a luminous quality in the desired color. Are
you ideally looking for a link or to to read about the process
online or a bookseller and sopecific title? If no one else gives you
all the details you need, after this weekend I will be glad to
either point you to a link , loan you a book ( but you have to
promise to get it back to me), or explain it crudely…let me know (
also let me know if you are planning to do it on metal or wood- the
books i have access to detail the same basic processes but one
includes a kiln as basic equipment) - i have almost no time available
until tuesday though.