Thanks to Gerry Lewy

Those of you who read here regularly may recall my problem a few
months ago with prong which broke off a ruby & diamond 20k gold ring
I had made for a client. (I couldn’t do the repair myself as Im in
Mexico for the winter.) Gerry Lewy emailed me offline and put me in
touch with an expert laser jeweller near my client. The repair was
done superbly and my client was very pleased. I just wanted you all
to know what a fine guy Gerry was in this - nothing in it for him,
just helping a fellow jeweller. Thanks are also due to Jo Haemer who
took the time to give me a helpful analysis of what I could have done
differently making the setting in the first place.

Leslie Chapman

Gerry is a great guy who honestly cares for others. He took the time
to council me off line about client troubles a few years back for
which I am to this day very grateful.

Marta Cayce-Irvin