Templates for designer cabs

a few years ago I ran across some real cool templates with unusual
shapes - called of course “Templates for Designer Cabs” I bought
some and they have disappeared. I have tried finding them again with
no luck. (I know I could make my own of of metal or even cardboard
but time is of the essence at my age)

I seem to remember the co name as CMG or CMS or ???

If anyone could help me find some, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks - and all have a great, and healthy, new year.


Try here:


Kathy Johnson
Feathered Gems Jewelry

Hello, I do not recall the name of the Manufacturer but they were
being sold last year at the Quartzite Pow Wow in Arizona. It is
possible they may be selling them there again this year.

Every lapidary supply house sells them, but if you have a simple
drawing program on your computer, you can design any outline you
wish, print them onto labels, stick them onto the flat back of you
cab-to-be, (or crown), and cut away. Very precise way to produce
pairs or suites.

Wayne Emery

The company you are talking about is cFc jewelry supplies.com




The company is CFC Jewelry Supplies. They were in Tucson last year
at Tucson Electric Park RV Gem Show.


Jon Lovegren