Suppliers for faceted stone settings

Can anyone recommend a company that offers a line of quality
unnotched settings in both gold and silver for faceted colored
stones in a fairly wide range of sizes/shapes. I am primarily
interested in the “heads” (w/o shanks) and pendant settings,
preferring to usually make my own shanks or use the heads for
purposes other than rings. My longtime supplier retired some time
ago, and I have not been able to find a replacement. Any
suggestions will be much appreciated.

Tom N

Tom, Victor Setting (and their sister company Joseph Castings) are
one of the best findings (heads, studs, etc) houses out there. Best
prices, helpful personel and speedy delivery. And the almost always
(except around the holidays) have plenty of shelf stock. numbers are
(201)845-4433 and fax at (800)322-9008 andy