No need to remove the boric acid. It is a flux. And we use Borax on all of our metal castings except for platinum casting.
Attached find a paper presented at theSanta Fe Symposium on soldering by Ann Cahoon. Even though I’ve been making jewelry for 51 years I always bow to her superior knowledge. Introduction. All SFS papers are available online for free.
Well heck! The tables didn’t show when I copied this but you can find them online at Papers — The Santa Fe Symposium
Ann Cahoon Department Head, Jewelry Making and Repair North Bennet Street School Boston, Massachusetts, USA
The first Bench Myths paper in 20141 asked some basic questions and started to explore some answers. Instead of asking more questions, this paper will expand on one topic explored in that research: annealing. It will continue the research by digging a little deeper into the variables of work surface, fluxes, the addition of soldering, and examining whether or not the choice of work surface and flux has a demonstrable effect on the workpiece.
The number of soldering surfaces and fluxes available these days is impressive. If you take a look at a tool and supply website or catalog, you will find many options. A quick search for “soldering block” on the Rio Grande website delivers ten different types of soldering media, nine when you search Stuller, and nine when you search Gesswein®. After accounting for redundancy, there are about a dozen different options available between these three vendors. A search for “flux” gives you eight different hard soldering options from Rio Grande, five from Stuller, and five from Gesswein. There are no fewer than thirteen options after accounting for redundancy across these vendors. While these numbers aren’t huge independent of one another, when you look at potential combinations, that number grows to 156. That is a lot of options for a fundamental process!
It’s reasonable to ask, with so many options available, how much difference might this choice really make? Is it worth trying something new or perhaps revisiting options you haven’t explored in a while? This research is intended to offer some perspective on these questions.
For this experiment, I narrowed down the options into some commonly used broad categories: saving solution, liquid and paste fluxes, and charcoal and non- charcoal soldering surfaces. I elected to use hard charcoal and SolderiteTM brand soldering surfaces, a traditional boric acid saving solution, Superior #6 as the paste flux, and My-T-Flux for the liquid flux. Saving solution was mixed with two parts denatured alcohol to one part boric acid. Superior # 6 has a temperature range of 900–1600°F (485–870°C), and My-T-Flux a temperature range of 1100–1700°F (593–927°C).
There were two primary criteria in these selections. First, frankly, I like them all and use them regularly in my own shop. I have chosen to use them over the course of many years at the bench, and the process has been fairly organic, taking into account factors like convenience, safety and, most important, the results in the work. This is the pragmatic way many bench jewelers arrive at their preferences for soldering set-up, so it seemed a reasonable basis for comparison and experimentation. More significant for this project, however, is the fact that they represented the broad categories I wanted to represent in the research.
I tested the following combinations: paste flux only on the entire sample, liquid flux only on the entire sample, saving solution on the entire sample with paste flux only at the solder joint, saving solution on the entire sample with liquid flux only at the solder joint, and no flux on the sample with paste flux only at the solder joint, all on hard charcoal. An identical second set of samples was tested on a SolderiteTM pad.
Table 1 Sample preparation and soldering surface
Sample Number Soldering Surface Sample Preparation Sample Number Soldering Surface Sample Preparation
1–3 Hard Paste flux 16–18 SolderiteTM Paste flux 31–33 charcoal 46–48
4–6 Hard Liquid flux 19–21 Solderite Liquid flux 34–36 charcoal 49–51
7–9 37–39 Hard charcoal Saving solution, paste flux at the solder joint 22–24 52–54 Solderite Saving solution, paste flux at the solder joint
10–12 40–42 Hard charcoal Saving solution, liquid flux at the solder joint 25–27 55–57 Solderite Saving solution, liquid flux at the solder joint
13–15 43–45 Hard charcoal No flux or saving solution, paste flux at the solder joint 28–30 58–60 Solderite No flux or saving solution, paste flux at the solder joint
Samples for all experiments were .925 silver, 10 mm X 10 mm X 20 gauge. Each sample weighed 0.8–1.0 grams, and samples were randomized across the experiments. The goal was to have a small, jewelry-scale sample to mimic a real-world application of annealing and soldering processes. Since .925 silver is notorious for oxidation, it was the ideal choice for testing to create a “worst-case scenario.”
Bench Myths 2
Each sample was annealed once and hard soldered once. I used a Smith Handi- Heet® torch with a #2 tip. I considered using a more conventional dual fuel system for these experiments, but elected to use an atmospheric oxygen option to try to maintain consistency by eliminating the variables introduced by adjusting a gas/ oxygen flame. For annealing processes, I judged temperature by color or by flux surface, depending on the sample preparation. All samples were pickled for three minutes in a citric acid pickle after annealing, which was typically around 155°F (68°C) when checked throughout the experiment.
I used Hoover and Strong’s hard silver solder for the soldering operations, which has a melting point of 1370°F (743°C) and a flow point of 1490°F (810°C). The soldering step was laid out at the same position on each sample, 2 mm from the upper right corner. I used a 1.3 mm ball bur to create a small divot, following a common process used to locate small findings. Solder pallions were cut to a consistent size using shears and placed in the divots. Each piece was heated until solder flowed, following my established best practice. The heating process started opposite the solder location to begin to warm up the silver without affecting the flux too much, was followed by a more generalized heating step using the flux surface as an indicator of increasing temperature, and then finally moving on to work at the mock “seam” to flow the solder. A solder pick was used as needed to move pallions that had shifted back into position. Samples were then pickled again for three minutes.
Samples 1-30 (which will also be referred to collectively as Sample Group 1) were labeled and placed directly on the soldering surface called for in the experiment. All observations were strictly visual. Samples 31–60 (which will be referred to collectively as Sample Group 2) were intended for collecting more information about actual temperatures during the different experiments. After labelling this group, I laser welded bare thermocouple wire to samples 31-60 and used an OmegaTM HH11A thermometer to record temperatures. This was the same process used in the original “Bench Myths” research of 2014 to record annealing temperatures in the course of that annealing experiment. The thermocouple was positioned out of my view in front of a smart phone on a tripod, and each experiment was captured on video. Annealing temperatures and solder flow were announced as they were observed and the videos reviewed to determine at what temperature each process was observed.
Sample Group 1
Surfaces were observed after the initial annealing and pickling steps to judge the level of discoloration and oxidation, and to determine if there were any discernible differences between sample preparations. The results are shown in Table 2, with the cleanest surface in the first position. There was no significant difference in all 12 samples annealed with saving solution, though there was some level of variability across the group. The samples heated without flux on the SolderiteTM block showed the most discoloration and oxidation.
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Table 2 Ranking of Sample Group 1 after the annealing step
Ranking Sample Number Soldering Surface and Sample Preparation
1 7–9, 10–12, Saving solution, regardless of soldering surface 22–24, 25–27
2 16–18 Paste flux, SolderiteTM
3 1–3 Paste flux, charcoal
4 4–6 Liquid flux, charcoal
5 19–21 Liquid flux, Solderite
6 13–15 No flux or saving solution, charcoal
7 28–30 No flux or saving solution, Solderite
Sample Group 1 was then soldered and pickled, and the surfaces judged. Observations (without ranking) are shown in Table 3.
Table 3 Observations of Sample Group 1 after soldering (without ranking)
Sample Number
Soldering Surface and Sample Preparation
Paste flux, charcoal
Surfaces silver where there was flux coverage, other areas white from pickle, generally clean
4–6 Liquid flux, charcoal
More discoloration in flux, flux not completely removed by pickle
Saving solution,
paste flux at the solder joint, charcoal
Very consistently clean surfaces
Saving solution, liquid flux at the solder joint, charcoal
Very consistent clean surfaces, some discoloration around solder joint
No flux or saving solution, paste flux at the solder joint, charcoal
Clean at solder joint, obvious oxidation on the rest of the sample
Paste flux, SolderiteTM
Surfaces silver where there was flux coverage, other areas white from pickle, clean
Liquid flux, Solderite
Most discoloration in the flux of any of the samples, flux not completely removed by the pickle
Saving solution,
paste flux at the solder joint, Solderite
Samples very consistently clean
Saving solution, liquid flux at the solder joint, Solderite
Samples very consistently clean, some discoloration around solder joint
No flux or saving solution, paste flux at the solder joint, Solderite
Clean at solder joint,
obvious discoloration on the rest of the sample
Before determining a final ranking, all of Sample Group 1 was subjected to a final forced oxidizing step. All samples were gently heated to force discoloration in any oxidized area, with the goal of making any areas of oxidation more obvious. Samples were not pickled, again, to preserve the discoloration. Final ranking of samples is shown in Table 4.
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Table 4 Ranking of Sample Group 1 after forced oxidizing
Sample Number
Soldering Surface and Sample Preparation
1 1–3 Paste flux, charcoal
2 19–21 Liquid flux, SolderiteTM
3 13–15
No flux or saving solution, paste flux at the solder joint, charcoal
4 4–6 Liquid flux, charcoal
5 7–9
Saving solution, paste flux at the solder joint, charcoal
6 28–30
No flux or saving solution, paste flux at the solder joint, Solderite
7 25–27
Saving solution, liquid flux at the solder joint, Solderite
8 16–18 Paste flux, Solderite
9 22–24
Saving solution, paste flux at the solder joint, Solderite
10 10–12
Saving solution, liquid flux at the solder joint, charcoal
Sample Group 2
The goal of Sample Group 2 was to determine what temperatures were achieved in these different approaches to begin to determine relationships between fluxes, soldering surfaces and actual working temperatures. Tables 5–14 and Figures 1–10 show results in both table and graph formats.
Bench Myths 2
Table 5 Temperatures observed in samples 31–33 during annealing and soldering
Sample number
Annealing Temperature Observed °F / °C
Soldering Temperature Observed °F / °C
High Temperature Observed °F / °C
31 1171 / 633 1416 / 769 1416 / 769
32 1184 / 640 1397 / 758 1433 / 778
33 1062 / 572 1431 / 777 1462 / 794
Figure 1 Observed temperatures (°F) in samples 31–33 during annealing and soldering
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Table 6 Temperatures observed in samples 34–36 during annealing and soldering
Sample number
Annealing Temperature Observed °F / °C
Soldering Temperature Observed °F / °C
High Temperature Observed °F / °C
34 1324 / 718 1468 / 798 1518 / 826
35 1350 / 732 1423 / 773 1450 / 788
36 1295 / 702 1443 / 784 1461 / 794
Figure 2 Observed temperatures (°F) in samples 34–36 during annealing and soldering
Bench Myths 2
Table 7 Temperatures observed in samples 37–39 during annealing and soldering
Sample number
Annealing Temperature Observed °F / °C
Soldering Temperature Observed °F / °C
High Temperature Observed °F / °C
37 1070 / 577 1403 / 762 1403 / 762
38 1275 / 691 1506 / 819 1540 / 838
39 1305 / 707 1518 / 826 1546 / 841
Figure 3 Observed temperatures (°F) in samples 37–39 during annealing and soldering
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Table 8 Temperatures observed in samples 40–42 during annealing and soldering
Sample number
Annealing Temperature Observed °F / °C
Soldering Temperature Observed °F / °C
High Temperature Observed °F / °C
40 1357 / 736 1370 / 743 1393 / 756
41 1302 / 706 1430 / 777 1430 / 777
42 1265 / 685 1453 / 789 1460 / 793
Figure 4 Observed temperatures (°F) in samples 40–42 during annealing and soldering
Bench Myths 2
Table 9 Temperatures observed in samples 43–45 during annealing and soldering
Sample number
Annealing Temperature Observed °F / °C
Soldering Temperature Observed °F / °C
High Temperature Observed °F / °C
43 988 / 531 1490 / 810 1511 / 822
44 1058 / 570 1481 / 805 1524 / 829
45 1213 / 656 1420 / 771 1425 / 774
Figure 5 Observed temperatures (°F) in samples 43–45 during annealing and soldering
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Table 10 Temperatures observed in samples 46–48 during annealing and soldering
Sample number
Annealing Temperature Observed °F / °C
Soldering Temperature Observed °F / °C
High Temperature Observed °F / °C
46 1026 / 552 1270 / 688 1270 / 688
47 1198 / 648 1411 / 766 1430 / 777
48 1070 / 577 1461 / 794 1498 / 814
Figure 6 Observed temperatures (°F) in samples 46–48 during annealing and soldering
Bench Myths 2
Table 11 Temperatures observed in samples 49–51 during annealing and soldering
Sample number
Annealing Temperature Observed °F / °C
Soldering Temperature Observed °F / °C
High Temperature Observed °F / °C
49 1294 / 701 1430 / 777 1430 / 777
50 1052 / 567 1425 / 774 1472 / 800
51 1301 / 705 1389 / 754 1425 / 774
Figure 7 Observed temperatures (°F) in samples 49–51 during annealing and soldering
May 2018
Table 12 Temperatures observed in samples 52–54 during annealing and soldering
Sample number
Annealing Temperature Observed °F / °C
Soldering Temperature Observed °F / °C
High Temperature Observed °F / °C
52 972 / 522 1439 / 782 1439 / 782
53 1025 / 552 1437 / 781 1437 / 781
54 1306 / 708 1391 / 755 1391 / 755
Figure 8 Observed temperatures (°F) in samples 52–54 during annealing and soldering
Bench Myths 2
Table 13 Temperatures observed in samples 55–57 during annealing and soldering
Sample number
Annealing Temperature Observed °F / °C
Soldering Temperature Observed °F / °C
High Temperature Observed °F / °C
55 1064 / 573 1428 / 776 1462 / 794
56 1238 / 670 1425 / 774 1433 / 778
57 980 / 527 1422 / 772 1422 / 772
Figure 9 Observed temperatures (°F) in samples 55–57 during annealing and soldering
May 2018
Table 14 Temperatures observed in samples 58–60 during annealing and soldering
Sample number
Annealing Temperature Observed °F / °C
Soldering Temperature Observed °F / °C
High Temperature Observed °F / °C
58 1080 / 582 1439 / 782 1467 / 797
59 1219 / 659 1099 / 593 1262 / 683
60 1194 / 646 1463 / 795 1463 / 795
Figure 10 Observed temperatures (°F) in samples 58–60 during annealing and soldering Figures 11-13 show us the aggregated data from all of Sample Group 2.
Figure 11 Aggregate of observed temperatures in °F, samples 31–45
Bench Myths 2
Figure 12 Aggregate of observed temperatures (°F) in samples 46–60
Figure 13 Aggregate of observed temperatures (°F) in Sample Group 2
May 2018
Figure 14 Aggregate of average observed temperatures (°F) in Sample Group 2 Comparisons and Conclusions
So what does an analysis of all of this data tell us? Figure 15 shows the temperature data from Sample Group 2 applied to the Ranking results from Group 1. Table 15 shows us temperature data applied to our original rankings, and notes the flux and soldering surface. What we see is that while there is some variability in the average soldering temperatures, the greatest variability lies in annealing. As the temperature trend line increases, the amount of oxidation on the samples also increases.
Figure 15 Temperature data (°F) from Sample Group 2 applied to the ranking results from Sample Group 1
Bench Myths 2
Table 15 Temperature data applied to original rankings with flux and soldering surface information
Average Annealing Temperature °F / °C
Average Soldering Temperature °F / °C
Soldering Surface
Annealing Preparation
Soldering Preparation
1 1139 / 615 1415 / 768 Charcoal Paste flux Paste flux
2 1216 / 658 1415 / 768 SolderiteTM
Liquid Liquid flux flux
1086 / 586
1464 / 796
No flux or saving solution
Paste flux
4 1323 / 717 1445 / 785 Charcoal
Liquid Liquid flux flux
1217 / 658
1475 / 802
Saving solution
Saving solution with paste flux at the joint only
1153 / 623
1451 / 788
No flux or saving solution
Paste flux at the joint only
1094 / 590
1425 / 774
Saving solution
Liquid flux at the joint only
8 1143 / 617 1436 / 780 Solderite Paste flux Paste flux
1101 / 594
1422 / 772
Saving solution
Paste flux at the joint only
1308 / 709
1418 / 770
Saving solution
Liquid flux at the joint only
The connection between soldering surfaces and the amount of oxidation on the surfaces isn’t quite as clear if looking only at general trends, though the general trend in the data indicates that the samples annealed and soldered on charcoal were generally less oxidized. The samples ranked 7, 8, and 9 are particularly important in drawing a conclusion, however. All have nearly ideal average temperatures, yet they are some of the most oxidized. What we must note is that they were all annealed and soldered on SolderiteTM. When you look further at the fact that two of the lesser oxidized samples (rankings 4 and 5) had higher average annealing temperatures but were heated on charcoal, the role of the soldering
May 2018
surface as a critical contributor to the whole picture becomes clearer. Charcoal’s ability to provide a reducing environment appears to have very demonstrable effects on soldering and annealing outcomes.
While the use of a flux was not always associated with a less oxidized result, the top two results used a flux on all surfaces for both annealing and soldering.
An additional important observation is that the top two rankings are associated with the approaches I tend to use in my own studio practice. This is not to say that they are, therefore, the best practices. Rather, I think it underscores the very real implications practice and experience have on any set of variables.
- Ann Cahoon, “Bench Myths,” The Santa Fe Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing Technology 2014, ed. E. Bell and J. Haldeman (Albuquerque: Met-Chem Research, Inc., 2014): 51-88.
CahoonTable 3 Observations of Sample Group 1 after soldering (without ranking)
Sample Number
Soldering Surface and Sample Preparation
Paste flux, charcoal
Surfaces silver where there was flux coverage, other areas white from pickle, generally clean
4–6 Liquid flux, charcoal
More discoloration in flux, flux not completely removed by pickle
Saving solution,
paste flux at the solder joint, charcoal
Very consistently clean surfaces
Saving solution, liquid flux at the solder joint, charcoal
Very consistent clean surfaces, some discoloration around solder joint
No flux or saving solution, paste flux at the solder joint, charcoal
Clean at solder joint, obvious oxidation on the rest of the sample
Paste flux, SolderiteTM
Surfaces silver where there was flux coverage, other areas white from pickle, clean
Liquid flux, Solderite
Most discoloration in the flux of any of the samples, flux not completely removed by the pickle
Saving solution,
paste flux at the solder joint, Solderite
Samples very consistently clean
Saving solution, liquid flux at the solder joint, Solderite
Samples very consistently clean, some discoloration around solder joint
No flux or saving solution, paste flux at the solder joint, Solderite
Clean at solder joint,
obvious discoloration on the rest of the sample
Before determining a final ranking, all of Sample Group 1 was subjected to a final forced oxidizing step. All samples were gently heated to force discoloration in any oxidized area, with the goal of making any areas of oxidation more obvious. Samples were not pickled, again, to preserve the discoloration. Final ranking of samples is shown in Table 4.
May 2018
Table 4 Ranking of Sample Group 1 after forced oxidizing
Sample Number
Soldering Surface and Sample Preparation
1 1–3 Paste flux, charcoal
2 19–21 Liquid flux, SolderiteTM
3 13–15
No flux or saving solution, paste flux at the solder joint, charcoal
4 4–6 Liquid flux, charcoal
5 7–9
Saving solution, paste flux at the solder joint, charcoal
6 28–30
No flux or saving solution, paste flux at the solder joint, Solderite
7 25–27
Saving solution, liquid flux at the solder joint, Solderite
8 16–18 Paste flux, Solderite
9 22–24
Saving solution, paste flux at the solder joint, Solderite
10 10–12
Saving solution, liquid flux at the solder joint, charcoal
Sample Group 2
The goal of Sample Group 2 was to determine what temperatures were achieved in these different approaches to begin to determine relationships between fluxes, soldering surfaces and actual working temperatures. Tables 5–14 and Figures 1–10 show results in both table and graph formats.
Bench Myths 2
Table 5 Temperatures observed in samples 31–33 during annealing and soldering
Sample number
Annealing Temperature Observed °F / °C
Soldering Temperature Observed °F / °C
High Temperature Observed °F / °C
31 1171 / 633 1416 / 769 1416 / 769
32 1184 / 640 1397 / 758 1433 / 778
33 1062 / 572 1431 / 777 1462 / 794
Figure 1 Observed temperatures (°F) in samples 31–33 during annealing and soldering
May 2018
Table 6 Temperatures observed in samples 34–36 during annealing and soldering
Sample number
Annealing Temperature Observed °F / °C
Soldering Temperature Observed °F / °C
High Temperature Observed °F / °C
34 1324 / 718 1468 / 798 1518 / 826
35 1350 / 732 1423 / 773 1450 / 788
36 1295 / 702 1443 / 784 1461 / 794
Figure 2 Observed temperatures (°F) in samples 34–36 during annealing and soldering
Bench Myths 2
Table 7 Temperatures observed in samples 37–39 during annealing and soldering
Sample number
Annealing Temperature Observed °F / °C
Soldering Temperature Observed °F / °C
High Temperature Observed °F / °C
37 1070 / 577 1403 / 762 1403 / 762
38 1275 / 691 1506 / 819 1540 / 838
39 1305 / 707 1518 / 826 1546 / 841
Figure 3 Observed temperatures (°F) in samples 37–39 during annealing and soldering
May 2018
Table 8 Temperatures observed in samples 40–42 during annealing and soldering
Sample number
Annealing Temperature Observed °F / °C
Soldering Temperature Observed °F / °C
High Temperature Observed °F / °C
40 1357 / 736 1370 / 743 1393 / 756
41 1302 / 706 1430 / 777 1430 / 777
42 1265 / 685 1453 / 789 1460 / 793
Figure 4 Observed temperatures (°F) in samples 40–42 during annealing and soldering
Bench Myths 2
Table 9 Temperatures observed in samples 43–45 during annealing and soldering
Sample number
Annealing Temperature Observed °F / °C
Soldering Temperature Observed °F / °C
High Temperature Observed °F / °C
43 988 / 531 1490 / 810 1511 / 822
44 1058 / 570 1481 / 805 1524 / 829
45 1213 / 656 1420 / 771 1425 / 774
Figure 5 Observed temperatures (°F) in samples 43–45 during annealing and soldering
May 2018
Table 10 Temperatures observed in samples 46–48 during annealing and soldering
Sample number
Annealing Temperature Observed °F / °C
Soldering Temperature Observed °F / °C
High Temperature Observed °F / °C
46 1026 / 552 1270 / 688 1270 / 688
47 1198 / 648 1411 / 766 1430 / 777
48 1070 / 577 1461 / 794 1498 / 814
Figure 6 Observed temperatures (°F) in samples 46–48 during annealing and soldering
Bench Myths 2
Table 11 Temperatures observed in samples 49–51 during annealing and soldering
Sample number
Annealing Temperature Observed °F / °C
Soldering Temperature Observed °F / °C
High Temperature Observed °F / °C
49 1294 / 701 1430 / 777 1430 / 777
50 1052 / 567 1425 / 774 1472 / 800
51 1301 / 705 1389 / 754 1425 / 774
Figure 7 Observed temperatures (°F) in samples 49–51 during annealing and soldering
May 2018
Table 12 Temperatures observed in samples 52–54 during annealing and soldering
Sample number
Annealing Temperature Observed °F / °C
Soldering Temperature Observed °F / °C
High Temperature Observed °F / °C
52 972 / 522 1439 / 782 1439 / 782
53 1025 / 552 1437 / 781 1437 / 781
54 1306 / 708 1391 / 755 1391 / 755
Figure 8 Observed temperatures (°F) in samples 52–54 during annealing and soldering
Bench Myths 2
Table 13 Temperatures observed in samples 55–57 during annealing and soldering
Sample number
Annealing Temperature Observed °F / °C
Soldering Temperature Observed °F / °C
High Temperature Observed °F / °C
55 1064 / 573 1428 / 776 1462 / 794
56 1238 / 670 1425 / 774 1433 / 778
57 980 / 527 1422 / 772 1422 / 772
Figure 9 Observed temperatures (°F) in samples 55–57 during annealing and soldering
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Table 14 Temperatures observed in samples 58–60 during annealing and soldering
Sample number
Annealing Temperature Observed °F / °C
Soldering Temperature Observed °F / °C
High Temperature Observed °F / °C
58 1080 / 582 1439 / 782 1467 / 797
59 1219 / 659 1099 / 593 1262 / 683
60 1194 / 646 1463 / 795 1463 / 795
Figure 10 Observed temperatures (°F) in samples 58–60 during annealing and soldering Figures 11-13 show us the aggregated data from all of Sample Group 2.
Figure 11 Aggregate of observed temperatures in °F, samples 31–45
Bench Myths 2
Figure 12 Aggregate of observed temperatures (°F) in samples 46–60
Figure 13 Aggregate of observed temperatures (°F) in Sample Group 2
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Figure 14 Aggregate of average observed temperatures (°F) in Sample Group 2 Comparisons and Conclusions
So what does an analysis of all of this data tell us? Figure 15 shows the temperature data from Sample Group 2 applied to the Ranking results from Group 1. Table 15 shows us temperature data applied to our original rankings, and notes the flux and soldering surface. What we see is that while there is some variability in the average soldering temperatures, the greatest variability lies in annealing. As the temperature trend line increases, the amount of oxidation on the samples also increases.
Figure 15 Temperature data (°F) from Sample Group 2 applied to the ranking results from Sample Group 1
Bench Myths 2
Table 15 Temperature data applied to original rankings with flux and soldering surface information
Average Annealing Temperature °F / °C
Average Soldering Temperature °F / °C
Soldering Surface
Annealing Preparation
Soldering Preparation
1 1139 / 615 1415 / 768 Charcoal Paste flux Paste flux
2 1216 / 658 1415 / 768 SolderiteTM
Liquid Liquid flux flux
1086 / 586
1464 / 796
No flux or saving solution
Paste flux
4 1323 / 717 1445 / 785 Charcoal
Liquid Liquid flux flux
1217 / 658
1475 / 802
Saving solution
Saving solution with paste flux at the joint only
1153 / 623
1451 / 788
No flux or saving solution
Paste flux at the joint only
1094 / 590
1425 / 774
Saving solution
Liquid flux at the joint only
8 1143 / 617 1436 / 780 Solderite Paste flux Paste flux
1101 / 594
1422 / 772
Saving solution
Paste flux at the joint only
1308 / 709
1418 / 770
Saving solution
Liquid flux at the joint only
The connection between soldering surfaces and the amount of oxidation on the surfaces isn’t quite as clear if looking only at general trends, though the general trend in the data indicates that the samples annealed and soldered on charcoal were generally less oxidized. The samples ranked 7, 8, and 9 are particularly important in drawing a conclusion, however. All have nearly ideal average temperatures, yet they are some of the most oxidized. What we must note is that they were all annealed and soldered on SolderiteTM. When you look further at the fact that two of the lesser oxidized samples (rankings 4 and 5) had higher average annealing temperatures but were heated on charcoal, the role of the soldering
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surface as a critical contributor to the whole picture becomes clearer. Charcoal’s ability to provide a reducing environment appears to have very demonstrable effects on soldering and annealing outcomes.
While the use of a flux was not always associated with a less oxidized result, the top two results used a flux on all surfaces for both annealing and soldering.
An additional important observation is that the top two rankings are associated with the approaches I tend to use in my own studio practice. This is not to say that they are, therefore, the best practices. Rather, I think it underscores the very real implications practice and experience have on any set of variables.
- Ann Cahoon, “Bench Myths,” The Santa Fe Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing Technology 2014, ed. E. Bell and J. Haldeman (Albuquerque: Met-Chem Research, Inc., 2014): 51-88.