I have a client who wants a heavy duty hoop/link bracelet. I make a lot of these, usually 10g, with a toggle clasp. She says she’s lost a lot of bracelet with toggles. I don’t really see how that’s possible if all the links are soldered and the toggle is a good length, but she’s insisting on some sort of locking clasp. I assume this is something I’ll have to order. Any tips for such a thing much appreciated, thanks!
Would you be able to post a photo of the item?
I am thinking a round spring ring/ bolt ring, in the appropriate size and thickness would be the best match for a hoop link bracelet.
There are many different itterations:
large spring ring bolt clasp:
One other thing to consider in using toggles for bracelets. Be sure the bracelet fits the person properly, so it’s not too loose. I use toggles all the time with good success. I just make sure the bracelet doesn’t flop around.
I do too, they’re my favourite. The customer insists she has lost 7 bracelets with toggles, which I find a bit hard to believe. She does work outdoors doing some heavy stuff, but I can only think they must have been light or poorly made. I don’t really want to argue the point with her, she’s a bit prickly. Sigh. Thank you.
here is another clasp option:
7 seems a bit extreme, but I often have had bracelets with toggles fall off my wrist, I just always manage to catch them, either before or after they hit the floor. But then, I NEVER wear jewelry when doing outdoor work, and I have 5-1/2" wrists. I would go with the large spring ring as shown above.
Good to know, thank you!
Working outdoors, and bracelets do not go together at all.
In my experience, though, typically the customer who is the hardest on their jewelry will also be totally unwilling to listen to advice about care of their jewelry, such as removing it while being very active.
Agreed. I found a very strong-looking clasp (thanks to the replies), which will add a lot to the cost, and I’m hoping she’ll just decide it’s too much (the link bracelet itself would be 10 or 12 g ss, so it would probably be fine, but it’s just one of those clients that makes me itch a bit).