Stone setting gravers types

hi all

after giving this much thought to setting a stone with a graver im
goin to give it a try for the first time, i just need to ask what
size and type of gravers should i buy to set 1.5, 2 and 3mm stonese
would it be a good idea to buy the QC graverse and what is the
better choice of stone to buy to sharpen theme and when it comes to
beading tools if i want to set those three sizes of stone what sort
of size beadig tools should i get or can you buy a set of them

hope someone can help me out on this

many thanks

Jason, I would use a 2/0 - 4/0 Onglette to cut between the stones and
a #1 Onglette or #50round to push up the beads. I would think that
your bead should be in the range of #3 to #8 beading tools. Good