Steel wire brush

i’ve used a steel wire brush on the polishing lathe or flex shaft for
some time now happliy and successfully. recently however it seems to
be turning the metal black, and persistenly black at that! any
suggestions?.. jane

mj bennett

  i've used a steel wire brush on the polishing lathe or flex shaft
for some time now happliy and successfully. recently however it
seems to be turning the metal black, and persistenly black at that!
any suggestions?... jane 

Jane, I often use brass bristle brushes on the flex shaft but
occasionally use steel as well. In both cases I sometimes get a black
coloration and I believe it happens when I allow the brush to “drag”
on the metal; in other words, when I hold the brush in the same place
too long. As long as I maintain a light touch and keep my hand
moving, I’m OK. Hope this helps.


Hello MJ Bennet,

You are brushing with a dirty brush or on to soft material. Clean your
brush (degrease it) . Also the use of some soap water during brushing
can keep the surface clean. What I think is that you pushing dirt,
grease, oxides into your material with your brush.

Martin Niemeijer

      i've used a steel wire brush on the polishing lathe or flex
shaft for some time now happliy and successfully. recently however
it seems to be turning the metal black, and persistenly black at
that! any suggestions?... jane 

Are you using a small amount of dish soap as a lubricant? Keeps
brass brushes from imparting a “golden” tone to my silver pieces…
may have a similar effect with steel brushes.

All the best,
Dave Sebaste