Hi All, I am considering getting a steam cleaner. I checked out the
models in Rio Grande. They have a model that has a pressure rating of
5 - 85 psi and a model that is rated from 90 - 125 psi. I am a
hobbyist jeweler and have never used a steam cleaner. I would be
getting it to help clean the polish out of my overlay jewelry. What
pressure range do you in the know suggest I get? Does anyone have
another source to buy a steam cleaner from? Thanks in advance for
your help.
John Daly
Note From Ganoksin Staff:
Looking for a steam cleaner for your jewelry projects? We recommend:
Get a Green Dragon and run distilled water in it. If you are a
hobbiest you realy don’t need the big machines. I do not sell Green
Dragons, check with Stuller or Ken at MPG repairs and they will
probably be able to supply you.
Hola a todos: My personal experience is that the Steamers such as the
ones sold by Rio Grande or the “Hoffman” from Grobet work very well,
with very little maintenance (cleaning of the tank and the glass
tube). I have noticed that more suppliers are now selling the
continuos on-demand steamer. I have used it only a couple of times and
it worked Ok, but loosing the pressure quite fast, so it might be not
recommendable for larger productions.
Arq. David C. Duhne
Director Tecnico y Comercial
Diamantex S.A. de C.V.
Hi John; I love my little Hoffman GemClean. I got it from Kassoy.
(http://www.kassoy.com) I think. 1-800-4-KASSOY is their number for
ordering. The GemClean is an atmospheric steamer like the Steam
Dragon. It draws water from a bottle of distilled water so there’s no
filling and blow-down. Not as powerful as a Steamaster or one of the
bigger units, but small, portable, approved for mall use (ACK!), and
fairly inexpensive (I got mine on sale for $500).
Hello, I am Lynn owner of Willo Wyn Jewelry Repair and Design.I was
thinking maybe since you are a hobbyist you might not want to put out
a large sum of money on a new steamer. You can save some money for
something else you might need.
I just moved my shop to a new location and do not have 220 out lets
and the owners will not put one in and the electrical people are so
expensive we have just opted not to use the streamer. If you would be
interested in buying a 6mth old steamer. It is a small one an in
very good condition. I believe it will be more than suitable for
your needs. If you a interested i can get all the off of
it an send it to you.
Greetings to my Orchid friends. Although the idea of a steam cleaner
is tempting I am put off by the price. I have a small one person
studio and have trouble justifying the price vs use. I currently use
an ultrasonic and/or toothbrush as required.
I am wondering if the steam cleaners for home use that I see on the
shopping channels would be of use. [Yes I watch and use the shoppong
channels - No snickering out there]
Anyway, I haven’t used either form so I am completely in the dark. I
would suspect that the industrial cleaner would produce a more
pressurized and “drier” steam but has anyone tested the home version
as a substitute?
Thanks in advance
Orchid Rules!
Karla in So.
I have a small one person studio and have trouble justifying the
price vs use. I currently use an ultrasonic and/or toothbrush as
When I first opened up shop, I used an ultrasonic, followed by a dip
in clear water, and followed that with a dip in alcohol, then a
couple quick huffs, and puffs to blow off the remaining alcohol.
This worked kind of OK. One of my tool reps ( I sold tools also)
brought in a special on a Green Dragon Steamer. I bought one and now
I don’t know how I ever got along without it.
For the steamer to be effective, you need high temperature and a
high velocity on the steam jet. The temperature promotes rapid
drying and therefore few spots. The high velocity tends to blow
away that little bit of crud that escaped the ultrasonic and
toothbrush. While the Green Dragon is not what I would buy if I had
unlimited funds, and while It is not a good choice for a production
shop, the recover time is too long, it is good value for the money
for the small shop.
I am wondering if the steam cleaners for home use that I see on
the shopping channels would be of use.
Another jeweler at a recent show advised that the steamer from a
home coffee/cappuccino (sp?) maker does real well as a substitute
steam cleaner. He said you can probably pick one up cheap at a garage
sale. I personally don’t drink the stuff… and don’t think my wife
would take to kindly to my commandeering the unit for jewelry use.
Karen, I doubt very seriously it would be good enough. A steamer has
a powerful burst of steam. so strong it routinely blows out stones. a
cappuchino machine purchased at a yard sale might work.
i bought one on the home shopping network, didn’t do what I thought
it would not worth the $$. I bought one of those steam cleaners from
Target for about $49. thinking I had found a cheap solution. The
machine is just not strong enough to really clean like a commercial
cleaner. However if you have already cleaned it well in an
ultrasonic the effect is the same. Just not enough oomph. Mary
Note From Ganoksin Staff:
Looking for a steam cleaner for your jewelry projects? We recommend: