Spanish translation a document on gems

Dear Sirs,

I am translation a document on gems and I have three terms in
English: Lustre, Brilliancy and Sheen. The first translation in
Spanish for the three is “Brillo”, but I would like to have 3 diff
terms in Spanish, since the document in English refers clearly to
three different concepts. Do you have a bilingual Eng-Spa Expert who
can please help me?

Thank you so much in advance. The three definitions are as follows:

BRILLO (SHEEN): Efecto de la textura del cuerpo de unmineral sobre
el aspecto de la superficie

BRILLO (lustre, LUSTER): Aspecto de una superficie en luz
reflejada(es decir, la cantidad y la calidad de la luz reflejada
desde la superficie deuna piedra preciosa).

BRILLO(BRILLIANCY):Cantidad total de luz blanca que regresa al ojo a
partir de un material dejoyera como consecuencia de las
reflexiones internas y externas. Los factoresprincipales que afectan
la cantidad de brillo en una joya son: ndice derefraccin,
proporciones, pulido y transparencia.

I appreciate very much your input


My longtime friend who taught spanish in schoo in Canada offers the
spanish word “espejeo” for the english word “sheen” and perhaps, she
says “brillantez” for brilliancy or brilliant. She would then leave
"brillo" for “lustre”. Does that make sense to a person whose mother
tongue is Spanish? She adds that she hopes she has helped but since
people complain that we are teaching our children everything that is
wrong, she is less sure than she used to be prior to retirement.

I checked in with my daughter’s spanish teacher and got the
following suggestions. Hope these help!

Carina Rossner

Forwarded Message

No se cual seria el mas adecuado, pero aqui tienes una serie de
sinonimos. Hay que tener conocimientos del tema parasaber elegir la
palabra correcta.A mi me parecen acertados luminosidad y
resplandor.luminiscencia, brillo, luminosidad, fulgorluminosidad,
brillo, luz, claridad, iluminacin, resplandor, brillantez,
centelleo, esplendor, fosforescencia, fulgor, refulgencia,
destellolustre, pulimento, brillo, barniz, charol, esmalte, oropel,
ptina, espejuelobrillantez, brillo, notoriedad, perfeccin, acierto,
fama, gloria, lucimiento, credito, prestigio, apoteosis, apogeo,
realce, lustre, estimacin, grandezaespejeo, brillo, destello,
resplandor, fulgorviso, vislumbre, destello, resplandor, brillo,
tornasolvistosidad, atractivo, gracia, brillo

Thank you so much for ur input. I have actually used “brillantez” for
brilliancy or brilliance, “brillo” for lustre, so Barbara’s opinion
help s me to confirm. As for “sheen” not quite sure, yet. I am still
consulting. Very greatful.

Guadalupe Sanchez