Sources for good tooling for cad cam mills

I have been looking for a small tapered end mill type tool for
cutting wax, I am already using flood cooling but still need better
chip ejection. So my search continues if anyone is using a
ModelMaster or Revo type mill you know what I mean. I use a variety
of tools including end mills, pyramid cutters and engraving "spade"
bits but search for a better way.


Hi Richard I’ve given some thought to cutter design vs. compacting of
chips and decided work piece material is at fault, not cutter design.
An appropriate lubricant should completely stop chip compaction, or
maybe an air jet to get the chips out of the way so they can’t be
pressed back together.

At one point I emailed a request to Ferris for a custom wax
formulation that won’t compact. The answer I received was, and I

Ferris Green File A Wax generally machines fairly well. However, it
is very important that you use a sharp open fluted milling cutter,
typically with only one flute for sizes 1/4" and under and two flutes
for larger sizes. The other requirement is that you have an air jet
trained at the cutting area to help blow the chips away so they don’t
get pressed back into the wax by the cutter. A good water based lube
stream will work also. The important thing is that you get the chips
away from the cutting area as they are generated.

If this does not solve the problem using the Ferris Green, then I
would recommend our Master Blue File A Wax which is designed for high
speed machining. You will still have to observe the rules above for
the best results.

Hope this is helpful.

Paul Guinn Technical Director Kindt-Collins

I have noticed that a sharper cutter works better! d’oh! I get a
better edge from HSS.

Do you grind your own cutters?

I once considered grinding a twisting split cutter so the chips
might be lifted up and out of the way, but my grinder isn’t up to it,
and there’s no guarantee it would work as hoped.

I’m now using lubricant with no air jet and ultrasonically cleaning
the wax, and this works well. A drip combined with an air jet might
be ideal (a mister) if one had adequate ventilation, or an
appropriate enclosure with air filter installed. Probably want a
vacuum setup to collect the wax chips! What a mess…

Jeffrey Everett

Richard; What is the material you are cutting?

Jeff Dunnington

Richard, First of all, I don’t know your setup but wax temperature
can have a great effect on chip compaction. I use simple windex for
a coolant, however I also refrigerate the coolant prior to running a
tool path. I also keep my wax stored in a cool enviroment and have
no HIGH heat lights burning in the area that my mill sits and runs.

The bit your looking for is a Profiler .003" which can be purchased
from Bits & Bits.

Kevin Fertenbaugh

Hi Gang, I’ve never tried machining wax, but there’s a product used
in the metals industry for that application. It’s called (oddly
enough) machinable wax. The industrial supply (MSC) catalog I have
lists it in blocks & cylinders. The blocks range in sizes from: 7" x"
3" x 1/2" to 24" x 24" x 2". The cylinders range from: 2" x 12" to
5.88" x 18".

MSC can be found at

Usual disclaimers, just a happy customer.


Olive oil makes a good lubricant/coolant. Sharp tools are a must. A
water pic can assist in removing impacted wax. Some designs may
benefit from cutting a second time with the same toolpath. Did I
mention sharp tools are a must? Carl