Hi! Can anyone connect me with a source for pure, solid copper
beads? I seem to only find copper-plated beads…thanks for any
suggestions, and happy holidays!
Hi! Can anyone connect me with a source for pure, solid copper
beads? I seem to only find copper-plated beads…thanks for any
suggestions, and happy holidays!
Try Brandywine Jewellery Supply
No connection, just a satisfied customer.
Pat Waddington
Thunderbird supply has them. I just got something in the mail from
them a while ago advertising all their new copper findings. A quick
search found 6-12 mm round copper beads.
Rick Copeland
Silversmith and Lapidary Artisan
Rocky Mountain Wonders
Colorado Springs, Colorado
You can find copper bead at Schlaifer’s Enameling Supplies
Try Driftstone Pueblo in Ill. Lots of stuff for the pioneer market
and others. I think their copper is solid
Warehouse: 618-829-3160
Chuck Hofmeister
Mcmaster-Carr online has small solid copper balls (you’d have to
drill them!) They are listed somewhere under raw
materials-metals-copper-deox- or something like that. I saw them once
and thought they had possibilities for granulation and many other
things. I think they are used for electrical switches.
Fire Mountain Gems now carries some solid copper beads. Go to their
site and search “copper beads.” Be sure to read the description
carefully – some are copper-plated, but they will tell you if
they’re solid copper. I’ve gotten some interesting copper beads from
Sun Country Gems and from Painted Desert. South Pacific Wholesale
also has some copper beads. Always ask if they’re solid copper (and
not copper-plated pewter or something else).
Have fun!
Judy Bjorkman