[Source] Sleeping Beauty or Kingston Turquoise Beads


I am trying to find a reputable dealer of ‘real’ turquoise…either
Sleeping Beauty or Kingston. I am specifically looking for micro
faceted rondelles in 2 or 3 mm, but any possible links would be
greatly appreciated!!

thanks, Monika

[Orchid] How to find natural turquoise

I guess it depends on what you call real. No natural turquoise that
I know of will survive the “micro faceting” process so it has to be
either treated or enhanced ( which is treated with the Zachary
process). In the circles I run in neither of these are considered
“real” only untreated natural, maybe waxed with zam, possibly matrix
dyed or rouged. Turquoise is tricky stuff when qualifying as “real”.
I assume you mean, not cake or not composite. I would try R.H. &
Company in Glendale, CA who probably have those beads in Sleeping
Beauty, “enhanced”. 800-242-1233, www.rhandco.com.

Also I haven’t heard of Kingston, lord knows I don’t know all and
turquoise always surprises me, where is Kingston from?

Sam Patania, Tucson

No natural turquoise that I know of will survive the "micro
faceting" process so it has to be either treated or enhanced ( which
is treated with the Zachary process). 

I executed order for a client. A necklace of natural faceted
turquoise. Absolutely no enhancements whatsoever. I would not call it
micro faceted, but facets were small. I would post a picture, but it
is in client’s possession and I am not sure if client would be
willing to display it. I will inquire.

Leonid Surpin.

I wonder if you mean “Kingman” turquoise from Kingman, AZ. It looks
a bit like Sleeping Beauty. I wish I could help you with a source for
beads but I’ve only used it as cabs.


I executed order for a client. A necklace of natural faceted

Cool, what mine was it from? I’d love to see it if you can post a
pic. How was the faceting done? it must have been clear turq. since
matrix would probably not be forgiving. From your previous posts I
would guess Persian. How much yeild did you get form the rough, was
there many broken beads, I’m fascinated by turquoise and have lots
of questions. This is why I love turquoise, it always has something
to teach me.

Sam Patania, Tucson

With reference for the search for Sleeping Beauty & or Kingston
Turquoise. I’ll bet Kingston got confused with Kingman Turquoise
which is out of Arizona.

Sharon Perdasofpy

A good supplier of these beads is.

75 West Baseline Road, Suite 6,
Gilbert, Arizona,
Phone # 1 800 417 0024.
Fax 480 963 0087.

Hope this helps.

I just assembled it. Clasp and etc. I did not cut it. The lapidary
work was done in India. Good rough is always cut locally. It had some
matrix. I emailed to client asking for a picture. May be by next

Leonid Surpin.

I saw this post on the rock hound list that very well may interest
someone here. It said that the Bisbee Mining Museum is hosting the
annual Turquoise Hunt on Dump #7 on Oct 5th and 6th. I do not think I
can take advantage of this, however now that I know (it is annual)
perhaps I can plan ahead.

The cost is $15. This is a bus ride from old Bisbee (have no idea, I
assume this is from the museum) to the No. 7 dump. (They said this is
where most of the good Bisbee is found.) The ticket is for three
hours up on the dump, and of course anything you find is yours to
keep. I am not saying you will find anything (you should if you look
carefully, something worth cutting, it may not be much, there is an
element of luck). This may be a good way to spend a day, perhaps pack
a picnic for after the hunt, and then look over the museum. They said
tickets went fast.

Phone number for the Bisbee Mining Museum is (520) 432-7071 or visit

I have done this dump hunt before, it really made me appreciate
turquoise even more. It is difficult to find any good rocks up there
but I did. Digging is very hard so I just walked with my head down
and spotted blue every so often. Well worth it for the experience. I
do have a friend who has high grade Bisbee for sale if any one is
looking for it contact me off list and I will give you his name.

Sam Patania, Tucson