A friend of my son’s is about to propose to his girl, who is in the
military, when she comes home on leave in a few weeks. He wants to
buy her an engagement ring that “doesn’t look like all the ones in
the mall stores.” He lives north of Sacramento but is willing to go
anywhere in the Bay Area. Do any of you know anyone I could refer him
to? Sorry I don’t have more specific
Thanks - you all are always such a great resource.
Beverly in Southern California
Contact John & Jo-ann Donivan in the Phelan bldg downtown San
Francisco (415) 362-4412. Absolutely trustworthy. They are business
friends of long standing.
I do a lot of work in custom designed engagement rings. I am not in
the Bay Area. Transaction can be done online. If that is acceptable,
contact me for further details.
If you want something different and more one of a kind, go to Gallery
Flux at 4092 18th Street, SF. 415-863-5892. They have a wide
of jewelers and do custom work as well.
I am connected…am in a show right now featuring the stone cutting
of Jim Colony. 11 artist were given stones by him and invited to make
If mokame gane is what you are looking for, than by all means contact
our own Jim Binnion. His Mokame love pendent donated to the last
Orchid dinner was a woa wowo!!! Contact him at