[Source] Quantum Cut Green Amethyst

Anyone know who?

I have a customer who brought in a 19x14 1/2 (20x15?) Oval Quantum
Cut Amethyst. She bought it from one of those Home Shopping Networks
and said it came out of Canada.

My guess was that someone handed a Canadian Lapadarist (Co.?) a
bunch of this raw green amethyst and told them to improvise or make
up some fancy new cuts. She also had what she called a Double Star
Cut round Citrene measuring about 10mm.

She would like to locate matches for both stones to be made into

Thank you for any leads.

Raw green amethyst?

Amethyst is quartz in the color continuum of lavender/violet/purple.
When it comes to raw, green amethyst, there just ain’t no such

And I bet its not raw, but cooked. I saw some of this being peddled
on one of the shopping channels, and they did label it “irradiated,”
so I am thinking the accurate name would be “irradiated green

I think the “Quantum Cuts” are being done in China.

Matching stones can probably be had by following the link below-


Still not sure what “citrene” is as opposed to “citrine.” I’m almost
afraid to ask.

Lee Einer
Dos Manos Jewelry

I have a customer who brought in a 19x14 1/2 (20x15?) Oval Quantum
Cut Amethyst. She bought it from one of those Home Shopping Networks
and said it came out of Canada.

Green amethyst, huh? No comment, this time. However, as long as
she’s shopping the television networks, try a search at acntv.com. A
quick search there yielded 9 pages of green “amethyst”, including at
least one oval quantum cut, but I couldn’t stand looking at it any

James in SoFl


There is a newish irradiated green quartz coming out of Brazil. It
has the color of green beryl. I believe it is different from
prasiolite / green amethyst, which is listed in some books as
“heated amethyst from the Montezuma region” and stated to fade in

I place a briolette of the new irradiated green quartz in the strong
Colorado sun about 3 weeks ago and the color remains the same - no
fading is evident.

I have matched briolettes in this material in case this helps you.


Rough and Ready Gems

I have a customer who brought in a 19x14 1/2 (20x15?) Oval Quantum
Cut Amethyst. She bought it from one of those Home Shopping
Networks and said it came out of Canada. 

This material can also be found on eBay described as ‘unheated’,
origin “New Mine From Brazil”.