[Source] Little opal hearts

Hello everyone - On a whim, I made a bracelet out of some leftover
materials from a necklace - hung a little silver $3 Treasure Chest
from it, and since it opens, put a little 4mm carved opal heart
inside, then sent it to a gallery hung with a tag calling it the
Secret Treasure Bracelet - and it promptly sold for $80.

Since I rather enjoyed raking in $140/hour, I need to make MORE of
same (despite that it’s really just sticking stuff together, the $$
supports my time to make hand-fabricated stuff!). The Treasure Chest
is no problem; but I only have 2 more of those little hearts and I
can’t remember where the heck I got them!

They may even be synthetic - but at any rate, I recall they were
inexpensive (3 for $8??).

Any ideas for supplier?

Roseann Hanson
Desert Rose Design Studio
Tucson, Arizona
520-591-0508 voice/message
866-421-1813 toll-free fax