I am looking for on where to purchase and how to apply
Japanese silver leaf to sterling and fine silver. I am particularly
interested in finding the leaf that has been tinted to light
turquoise or olive green. Does anyone know anything about this
I am looking for on where to purchase and how to apply
Japanese silver leaf to sterling and fine silver. I am particularly
interested in finding the leaf that has been tinted to light
turquoise or olive green
tinted ? No, but any Indian grocery store sells edible pure silver
leaf at the lowest prices anywhere, far cheaper than any metals
dealer and you got more than any metals dealer sells in a standard
packet. I pay about $3 dollars (although I was in there this week
and it was at $4.30 I due to transportation cost increases as
opposed to the metal costs as it is out of India, and the grocer
cited the cost of trucking as the reason).