[Source] Dichroic Glass Cabs

Hello! I have searched the web and called my sources but I have
not been able to locate dichroic glass cabs for sale. Assorted
sizes and shapes are fine, but freeforms are harder for a
begginer like me. Any suggestions where to find them? Any help is
greatly appreciated. Also thanks to all for sharing such great
knowledge. Vera @Acquamarin

Her name is Donna Palmer, and she does wonderful freeform cabs.
Tell her Sandy told you.

hi! Have you tried “Fire Mountain Gems” and “Rio Grande”? I know
they carry dichroic glass, but I’m not sure if they carry cabs.
Either way, they’re good catalogues to have. I don’t have the
number here at work, let me know if you need it. -amery in marine
layered venice.

Amery Carriere,
Assistant to the Director
Annenberg School for Communication
School of Communication
3502 Watt Way ASC304 F
LA, CA 90089-0281

phone: 213.740.0934
fax: 213.740.3913

Please clarify what you mean by dichroic glass. Perhaps the
name is a misnomer since a reference to dichroic implies that the
glass is doubly refractive, which it certainly can’t be since it
lacks a crystalline structure. Just curious.


Saw your post…

Nancy Goodenough is one of the best dichroic glass makers on the
west coast. She has an e-mail address, but I had a crash and lost

Her Phone # is (415)759-5105.

PO Box 22684 San Francisco, CA 94122.

Her stuff is Great, and she has buckets of cabs.

Tell her Greg Iverson (Seattle) said Hi.


Hello! I have searched the web and called my sources but I have
not been able to locate dichroic glass cabs for sale. Assorted

There are two wonderful dichroic artisans here in San Diego
County, Cay Dickey (760) 630-9614 and Wil Peterson (760)738-9423.

Contact either one or both, they are both highly creative and
not bound by tradition. Teresa Masters


Doing trade shows around the country I’ve had the opportunity to
see some pretty nice dichroics out there. But some of the best
I’ve ever seen are made by a company called “Stuff uv Earth”.
Their address and phone number is: 9961 E. River N. Road Momence,
Il. 60954 (815) 472-6426 Ask for Mark and Lisa Hampton. I don’t
know if they have an e-mail address or website.
